les presses du réel


Much Trouble in the Transportation of Souls, or: The Sudden Disorganization of Boundaries
Anselm Franke

Theses on the Concept of the Digital Simulacrum
Florian Schneider

Biometry and Antibodies Modernizing – Animation/Animating Modernity
Edwin Carels

Execution of Czolgosz, with Panorama of Auburn Prison (1901)
Avery F. Gordon

Chasing Shadows
Santu Mofokeng

Angels Without Wings
A conversation between Bruno Latour and Anselm Franke

Machinic Animism
Angela Melitopoulos and Maurizio Lazzarato

On Wanting to be an Animal: Human-Animal Metamorphoses in Nietzsche and Canetti
Gertrud Koch

Still More Changes
Henri Michaux

Disney as a Utopian Dreamer
Oksana Bulgakowa

Sergei Eisenstein

Animated Origins, Origins of Animation
Brigid Doherty

The Uprising of Things
Vivian Liska

The Dangers of Petrification, or “The Work of Art and the Ages of Mineral Reproduction”
Richard William Hill

“Les lettres du blanc sur les bandes du vieux pillard”: Raymond Roussel's Animism of Language
Irene Albers

Assembly (Animism)

Animism meets Spiritualism: Edward Tylor's “Spirit Attack,” London 1872
Erhard Schüttpelz

To Navigate, in a Genuine Way, in the Unknown Necessitates an Attitude of Daring, but not one of Recklessness (Movements Generated from the Magical Passes of Carlos Castaneda)
Joachim Koester

“Uncle Snookum's Astral Odditorium & Psychic Haberdashery”: Sun Ra & The Occult
Darius James

On Atmosphere and a capital A
Bart De Baere

Anima's Silent Repatriation: Reconsidering Animism in the Contemporary World
Masato Fukushima

Vital Phantasy
Didier Demorcy

Animism and the Philosophy of Everyday Life
Michael Taussig

Absentminded Wandering through an Indeterminate Maze of Intentionality
Philippe Pirotte

Passionate Choreographies Mediatized. On Camels, Lions and their Domestication among the ‘Isāwa in Morocco
Martin Zillinger

Exchanging Perspectives – The Transformation of Objects into Subjects in Amerindian Ontologies
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro

Artist Biographies

Author Biographies


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