Archive Books

Archive is a platform for cultural research and debate. It brings together activists and cultural practitioners in an adaptable and non-hierarchal structure with the aim to foster a unique space for discussion and exchange. Archive is engaged in a wide range of activities including publishing and exhibition making.
Archive Books produces readers, monographs and artists' books as well as journals focusing on contemporary cultural production.
Berlin / Milan
143 titles
Line Skywalker Karlström - Holes Dug, Rocks Thrown - Line Skywalker Karlström\'s Works Through the Prism of Queer and Feminist Art Practices
bilingual edition (English / Swedish)
First comprehensive monograph of the Swedish queer and feminist performance artist.
Wicked Little Town
English edition
Wicked Little Town gathers more than fifty artists and critical thinkers traversing trans-temporal imaginations of resistance, unruliness, and non-compliance across genders, abilities and national borders.
Perverse Decolonization?
English edition
Conversations and essays that question the twisted and oppressive climate in a world where true decolonization has yet to begin.
Imagine something new, like justice
trilingual edition (English / Arabic / Turkish)
Transdisciplinary research on the theme of justice and the agency of imagination in the artistic, discursive and political realms.
Not fully human, Not human at all
bilingual edition (English / German)
An artistic project about the processes of dehumanization that are are taking place in Europe and possible ways for a re-humanization.
 Free Home University - When the Roots Start Moving - First Mouvement – To Navigate Backward – Resonating with Zapatismo
English edition
A collection of essays investigating predicaments of rootedness and rootlessness and notions of belonging and of displacement across different geographical and epistemological coordinates.
 The Otolith Group - Xenogenesis
English edition
An extensive and comprehensive polyphonic exploration of the work of The Otolith Group.
Anachoresis - Upon Inhabiting Distances
English edition
Published on the occasion of Cyprus' participation at the 17th Architecture Biennale in Venice, Anachoresis: Upon Inhabiting Distances gathers a collection of texts and visual material from a multidisciplinary group of Cypriot and international practitioners, including architects and designers, curators and writers, sound and movement artists.
Silver Rights
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / Italian)
An in-depth research project by Elena Mazzi in dialogue with the Mapuche spiritual leader, silversmith and activist, Mauro Millán and Argentinean artist, Eduardo Molinari, about the cultural resistance of the Mapuche people to neo-colonialism in Chile.
Rehearsing Hospitalities - Companion 3
English edition
A series of essays and visual contributions critically reflecting on the questions of hospitality safety, security and care.
Momentography of a failure - Addis Ababa
English edition
Momentography of a failurebrings essays, timelines, film, photography, and a series of conversations together to deal with Ethiopia's controversial urbanisation and the transformative space of the city.
Johanna Laakkonen - They Inhabit While Working
English edition
A collection of texts by the artist and quotations through which Jaana Laakkonen develops reflections on her own practice and on the challenges of her work.
Sonsbeck20→24 - Force Times Distance – On Labour and its Sonic Ecologies (catalogue)
bilingual edition (English / Dutch)
The catalogue of the 12th edition of Sonsbeek, centered around labour, and its sonicities, connects a millenary history crossing times and geographies to the present moment, through a multitude of voices, sounds, and ripples.
Sonsbeck20→24 - Force Times Distance – On Labour (reader)
bilingual edition (English / Dutch)
This reader is a culmination of direct and tangential deliberations on notions of labour, appreciated across geographies and mediums. Newly commissioned textual manifestations in a multilogue with historical positions.
School of Waters - Mediterranea 19 – Young Artists Biennale San Marino 2021
English edition
Mediterranea 19 – School of Waters imagines a Biennale as a temporary school inspired by radical and experimental pedagogies and the way they challenge artistic, curatorial, and research formats.
Untranslatable Terms of Cultural Practices - Shared Vocabulary
English edition
A collective reflection on the richness of the untranslatable.
Electric Brine
English edition
currently out of stock
Electric Brine is a volume of poetry and critical essays by women voices from diverse fields such as literature, geography, media studies, history of life sciences, sociology, and poetics of science and fiction, each of them central to the independent curatorial research entity The World in Which We Occur (TWWWO, 2014-ongoing) and its associated online study group Matter in Flux.
Laura Horelli - Changes in Direction - A Journal
bilingual edition (English / German)
Changes in Direction – A Journal provides multivocal and transnational African-European statements to current decoloniality debates from different perspectives.
Igor Zabel - Inexplicable Presence (Curator’s Working Place)
English edition
The posthumous catalogue of one of the most personal curatorial projects of Igor Zabel (1958-2005).
Stronger Than Bone - On Feminism(s)
English edition
Stronger than Bone draws upon the embodied strength, intuitive desires, and collective wisdom of feminists and non-binary protagonists to foreground the manifold dimensions of feminist politics and commitments.
Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung - The Delusions of Care
English edition
currently out of stock
The misappropriated notion of care and the paths for its rehabilitation.
How Does The World Breathe Now? - Film as Witness, Archive, and Political Tool
English edition
How film may be a constructive tool to examine the state of the world and its cruelties, and how to form a more stable and supportive culture of film production and distribution.
Whose Land Have I Lit on Now? - Contemplations on the Notions of Hospitality
English edition
A curatorial project about concepts of hospitality and the triggers of hostility in hospitality.
Ultrasanity - On Madness, Sanitation, Antipsychiatry, and Resistance
English edition
currently out of stock
A curatorial and research project that aims to move beyond insanity as the opposite of sanity, and imagine a space beyond what is understood as sane, i.e. ultrasanity—not a romanticization of madness or mental illness, but an effort to reconsider and challenge the notion of madness and the stigmas labelled on the so-called mad.
Why Call it Labor? - On Motherhood and Art Work
bilingual edition (English / Arabic)
currently out of stock
Four essays and one conversation with contemporary artists and curators from different backgrounds and origins (Jerusalem, Lebanon, Kuwait, USA, Egypt) discussing their experience of becoming mothers as professionals in the arts, its reality and effects.
Julius Eastman - We Have Delivered Ourselves From the Tonal - Of, Towards, On, For Julius Eastman
English edition
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A collection of essays, librettos, lyrics, memories, photos, personal anecdotes by musicians, visual artists, researchers and archivers that pays homage to the work and life of African-American composer, musician, performer, activist Julius Eastman.
Med Hondo - 1970—2018 - Interviews with Med Hondo
English edition
Seventeen interviews conducted with Med Hondo over a period of almost half a century, most of the interviews originally published in French were translated into English.
Ian Kiaer - Endnote, tooth
English edition
Ian Kiaer's new monograph is based on a project that the artist began several years ago and whose configuration changes with the circumstances. Drawing on the notion of marginal endnotes in books, it references the utopian concepts of the Austrian American architect Frederick Kiesler (1890-1965).
Beyond Repair
English edition
The account of a collective study around the question of the irreversibility of the damage caused by extractivism and accumulation for common spaces and living conditions, in their political, social and aesthetic dimensions.
Nicoline van Harskamp - My Name is Language
English edition
This publication explores the key tenets of artist Nicoline van Harskamp's research and practice, such as the contemporary use and modification of languages, a treatment of names as spoken language rather than spelled identity markers, and the practice of self-naming.
Rehearsing Hospitalities - Companion 2
English edition
A series of essays and visual contributions critically reflecting on the current structures of knowledge within the art world.
Not Working
bilingual edition (English / German)
The interdependence of artistic production and social class.
Jane Jin Kaisen - Community of Parting
English edition
Reference monograph: the most comprehensive introduction to the Korean artist's postcolonial and feminist approach.
Clemens von Wedemeyer - The Illusion of a Crowd
English edition
Publication including the films Transformation Scenario, 70.001, and Faux Terrain, as well as a visual essay, a glossary and texts by Heike Geißler, Fanni Fetzer, and Franciska Zólyom.
Japanese Expanded Cinema and Intermedia - Critical Texts of the 1960s
English edition
A collection of commissionned translations of a selection of key texts about Intermedia and Expanded Cinema in Japan.
Boris Buden - Transition to Nowhere - Art in History After 1989
English edition
The collection of essays on art by the philosopher and critic Boris Buden constitutes a history of post-communism studied through that of works of art.
Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung - In a While or Two We Will Find the Tone - Essays and Proposals, Curatorial Concepts, and Critiques
English edition
currently out of stock
This collection of writings from Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung presents, for the first time in one volume, essays and proposals edited anew.
Uriel Orlow - Conversing With Leaves
bilingual edition (English / German)
currently out of stock
Of plants and men.
Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung - Pamphlet 1 - Ceux qui sont morts ne sont jamais partis – La préservation de la suprématie, du Musée ethnologique et les complexités du Forum Humboldt
French edition
currently out of stock
A post-colonial pamphlet on the ethnological museums of Europe, primarily the upcoming Humboldt Forum in Berlin.
Encircling the Image of Trauma
English edition
This book tiptoes between aesthetics and ethics; it proposes to rethink trauma in its necessity as well as impossibility to be represented and understood.
I Will Draw a Map of What You Never See - Endeavours in Rhythmanalysis
English edition
A multidisciplinary investigation of the interrelations of space and time, memory, architecture and urban planning through and beyond Henri Lefebvre's concept of Rhythmanalysis.
Earthrise - Ecological Visions on Both Sides of the Wall
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
This catalogue investigates the genealogy of the relationship between art and ecology in Europe, introducing a series of pioneering research conducted on both sides of the Iron Curtain in the 1970s.
Rehearsing Hospitalities - Companion 1
English edition
A series of essays and visual contributions critically reflecting on the current structures of knowledge within the art world.
Courants de conscience - Une concaténation de “Dividus”
French edition
Conceived for the 12th Edition of the Bamako Encounters this book captures thoughts and responses of writers, poets, and artists to the curators' proposition to think the practice of photography in Africa and its diaspora through the notion of the “stream of consciousness.”
Being Together Precedes Being
English edition
A textbook for the project "The Kids Want Communism,"—a clandestine and public series of events marking the century of the Bolshevik Revolution. Contributions discuss the legacies and meaning of communism today.
Homecomings - 1, 2, 3, etc.
English edition
What can it mean to return home? Inspired by author Georges Perec's Espèces d'espaces and artist Hreinn Friðfinnsson's House Project, this catalogue brings together international artists to investigate the various facets of coming home.
Azin Feizabadi - After Cinema - Fictions from A Collective Memory
English edition
Celebrating the ten-year anniversary of the project A Collective Memory by Azin Feizabadi—a series of five narrative films—this publication features fictions by guest contributors who were asked to expand on their viewing experience of one of the films in the Collective Memory series.
Assaf Gruber - The Storyseller
English edition
Monograph dedicated to the films of the Israeli artist Assaf Gruber. Articulated around eight conversations related to the films' production, this publication reflects an important theme in Gruber's work: what effects can art have on individuals far removed from the artistic field.

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