Light Cone

Light Cone is a nonprofit organization whose aim is the distribution, promotion and preservation of experimental cinema in France and around the world. Light Cone Editions presents a series of books on the history and aesthetics of experimental cinema.
9 titles
Jean-Michel Bouhours - When the Eye Trembles - The Cinema of Paolo Gioli
bilingual edition (English / French)
An anthology of texts by Jean-Michel Bouhours on photographer and filmmaker Paolo Gioli, a key figure in the Italian avant-garde of the 1970s.
 Flatform - Snaturamenti
trilingual edition (English / French / Italian)
A workbook by Flatform, a "collective artist" in the field of video and media art, at the border between experimental cinema and contemporary art, conceived and curated by Giuliana Prucca.
Scrapbook - 40 ans de Light Cone
bilingual edition (English / French)
A visual anthology compiling the contributions of the filmmakers who are part of the Light Cone collection, a key institution for the distribution, promotion and preservation of experimental cinema in France and around the world, on the occasion of its 40th anniversary.
Expanded Nature - Écologies du cinéma expérimental
French edition
The ecologies of experimental cinema in the Anthropocene age.
Cécile Fontaine - L\'émulsion fantastique : le cinéma selon Cécile Fontaine - Entretiens avec Yann Beauvais
French edition
A fascinating journey into the experimental filmmaker's universe.
Germaine Dulac - What is cinema?
bilingual edition (English / French)
The first published edition of Germaine Dulac's What is Cinema?, almost 75 years after its creation, illuminates the vital role of this pioneer of the 1920s French avant-garde, as an innovator of modern cinematic thought, who was reflecting, early on, in a sustained and analytical way about what cinema is.
Nicole Brenez - Nous sommes d’accord avec tout ce qui a lutté et lutte encore depuis le début du monde - Introduction au cinéma lettriste
French edition
A presentation of the key figures and the basic concepts of Lettrist cinema, which prefigured the breakthroughs of the nouvelle vague and the experiments of expanded cinema.
Robert Breer - Robert Breer A to Z
English edition
currently out of stock
A self-portrait (a collection of Robert Breer's interviews, correspondence and statements over fifty years).
Robert Breer - Robert Breer A à Z
French edition
A self-portrait (a collection of Robert Breer's interviews, correspondence and statements over fifty years).

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