Editions du Griffon

Intimately linked to Vasarely and to the great geometric abstraction artists of the second half of the twentieth century, the editions of the Griffon reactivate a catalog of legendary books, long unavailable, except in limited circles, and now out of the archives, intact.
Nicolas Schöffer - Limited edition
currently out of stock
Limited edition of the legendary reference monograph, with the musical piece Spatiodynamisme by Pierre Henry on a 45RPM vinyl record, and with an original lithograph, dated, numbered and signed.
Yaacov Agam -
English edition
Reference monograph, with texts, sketches, and scores by the artistes, and some musical exemples on a 45RPM vinyl record included.
Pietro Consagra -
bilingual edition (English / German)
Reference monograph, with an introduction by Giulio Carlo Argan.
Yaacov Agam -
French edition
Reference monograph, with texts, sketches, and scores by the artistes, and some musical exemples on a 45RPM vinyl record included.
Yaacov Agam -
German edition
Reference monograph, with texts, sketches, and scores by the artistes, and some musical exemples on a 45RPM vinyl record included.
Pietro Consagra -
bilingual edition (French / Italian)
Reference monograph, with an introduction by Giulio Carlo Argan.
Antoine Pevsner -
English edition
Reference monograph, with introductions by Pierre Peissi and Carola Giedion-Welcker.
Fritz Wotruba -
English edition
Reference monograph, with an introduction by Friedrich Heer and the transcriton of Fritz Wotruba's personal diaries.
Barbara Hepworth -
French edition
Reference monograph, with an introduction by J. P. Hodin.
Antoine Pevsner -
French edition
Reference monograph, with introductions by Pierre Peissi and Carola Giedion-Welcker.
Fritz Wotruba -
French edition
Reference monograph, with an introduction by Friedrich Heer and the transcriton of Fritz Wotruba's personal diaries.
Fritz Wotruba -
German edition
Reference monograph, with an introduction by Friedrich Heer and the transcriton of Fritz Wotruba's personal diaries.
Antoine Pevsner -
German edition
Reference monograph.
Antoine Pevsner - Limited edition
French edition
Reference monograph, with introductions by Pierre Peissi and Carola Giedion-Welcker, and with an original signed lithograph.
Berto Lardera -
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
Reference monograph, with a introduction by Michel Seuphor.
Berto Lardera - Limited edition
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
Reference monograph, with a introduction by Michel Seuphor, with an original lithograph, numbered and signed.
Michel Seuphor - La sculpture de ce siècle - Dictionnaire de la sculpture moderne
French edition
(last copies available!)
The 1959 study that simultaneously established sculpture as a major art form in the 20th century, and established Michel Seuphor as a pioneer in art criticism, with 411 illustrations and 438 biographies of sculptors.
Naum Gabo - Constructions, sculpture, peinture, dessins, gravures
French edition
Reference monograph, with introductions by Herbert Read and Leslie Martin, six texts by Naum Gabo, an interview, numerous documents on the history of constructivism including the 1920 Realistic Manifesto reprint, and stereoscopic reproductions, with a pair of special glasses included in the book.
Marcel Joray - Le béton dans l\'art contemporain / Concrete In Contemporary Art / Beton in Der Zeitgenössischen Kunst - Vol. 1 + 2
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
sold out
Special ioffer for the purchase of the two volumes of Marcel Joray's book.
 Le Corbusier - The Artist The Writer
English edition
sold out
A selection of photographs by Lucien Hervé on Le Corbusier and his buildings, with texts and sketches by Le Corbusier, especially around Ronchamp and Chandigarh.
 Le Corbusier - L\'artiste et l\'écrivain
French edition
sold out
A selection of photographs by Lucien Hervé on Le Corbusier and his buildings, with texts and sketches by Le Corbusier, especially around Ronchamp and Chandigarh.
Victor Vasarely - Volume 1
English edition
sold out
First volume of the great reference monograph conceived and designed by the artist, offering a glimpse of Vasarely's graphic period.
Victor Vasarely - Volume 1
French edition
sold out
First volume of the great reference monograph conceived and designed by the artist, offering a glimpse of Vasarely's graphic period.
Nicolas Schöffer -
French edition
sold out
The legendary reference monograph, with the musical piece Spatiodynamisme by Pierre Henry on a 45RPM vinyl record (available in English edition).

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