a.p.r.e.s editions

a.p.r.e.s editions publish art works and documentary films on DVDs and books-DVDs.
Paul Virilio - Grandes Conférences (DVD)
French edition
A conversation between the architect and the philosopher.
Jean-Pierre Raynaud - Grandes Conférences (DVD)
French edition
A conversation between the historian and the artist.
Grandes Conférences - Buren-Nouvel / Parent-Virilio / Duby-Raynaud (box set 3 DVD)
French edition
60.00 45.00 €
Special offer for the purchase of the 3 conferences on DVD in the series.
Francis Alÿs - Works & Process - Wide details, on the traces of Francis Alÿs (DVD)
original version (subtitles in English, Spanish, Dutch, German, Portuguese)
25.00 20.00 €
A film and different documentaries on Francis Alÿs (interviews, video and multimedia projects).
Tadashi Kawamata - Workshop (book / DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French), English / French subtitles
An interview and a video documentary around a collective project directed by Kawamata: a construction of short-lived architectures from 5000 wooden crates.
 Périphériques architectes - Les Salons de l\'Ifa
French edition
15.00 9.00 €
The reproduction of notes and drawings by architects collective for a show organized at the Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine, accompanied with a documentary film.
Bernard Lallemand - Works & Process (DVD)
French edition
25.00 20.00 €
A documentary on three exhibitions, a filmed interview with the artist and an original video work.
Tadashi Kawamata - Memory in Progress (book / DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French) / English and French subtitles
25.00 18.00 €
Book / DVD documenting an artistic project by Kawamata: the rehabilitation of three ancient weavers' houses in Brittany.
 Jakob+Macfarlane - Les Salons de l\'Ifa
French edition
15.00 9.00 €
The reproduction of notes and drawings by French architects for a show organized at the Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine, accompanied with a documentary film.
Tadashi Kawamata - Works & Process (2 DVDs)
original version (subtitles in English / French)
25.00 20.00 €
Various documentary approaches of Tadashi Kawamata's work, unpublished films of the artist and archives.
Tadashi Kawamata - Works & Process (box set)
original version (subtitles in English / French)
Numbered box set (1-100), with two silkscreens of original drawings by Japanese artist.
Prospective Game for a sustainable City Project - Venice Architecture Biennal 2004 (book / DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French) / DVD in French edition (English subtitles)
DVD-book including all the exhibition films and discussions of 3 workshops at the 2004 International Biennale in Venice, on the theme of sustainable development and urban metamorphoses (a programme of about 2h).
Fabrice Hyber - Works & Process (2 DVDs)
French edition
25.00 20.00 €
Various documentary approaches of Fabrice Hyber's work and an original video work conceived for this DVD.
Jean-Michel Othoniel - Le Trésor de la cathédrale d\'Angoulême (livre / DVD)
bilingual edition (English / French), original version, English / French subtitles
sold out
A book-DVD documenting a commissioned work for which Jean-Michel Othoniel redesigned spaces housing the sacred treasures of the Angoulême Cathedral.
Pierre Soulages - Grandes Conférences (DVD)
French edition
sold out
A conversation betwen the painter and the art critic and curator.
Fabrice Hyber - Works & Process (box set)
French edition
sold out
Numbered box set (1-100), with an original drawing signed by the artist and an unpublished DVD.

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