CAN (Centre d'Art Neuchâtel)

Publications by the Neuchâtel art center.
17 titles
Pedro Zylbersztajn - Export Quality Poetry (1924–2024)
bilingual edition (English / Portuguese)
Joint artistic research, between Switzerland and Brazil, around ideas of consumption and exhaustion, the legacies of colonialist expropriation and its monocultural ideologies, besides the infrastructures of export and displacement, across both countries and their intertwined historie.
La psychologie des serrures
bilingual edition (English / French)
The catalog of an exhibition conceived with the gallery Untitled (2016) in the apartment of the CAN (Centre d'Art Neuchâtel), where each of the rooms has been invested by an artist or duo of artists.
bilingual edition (English / French)
The catalogue / temporal synthesis of the evolutionary and challenging exhibition at CAN, Neuchâtel.
Neo Geography
bilingual edition (English / Korean)
Publication based on the eponymous exhibitions organized at CAN, Neuchâtel, and Post Territory Ujeongguk, Seoul, bringing together the works of six Swiss and Korean artists, as well as new texts by Korean curators and theoreticians.
Olivier Mosset - Mosset / Christophe (maxi 45RPM vinyl)
The singer Christophe puts to music Olivier Mosset's interviews.
L\'Hospice des Mille-Cuisses - Expériences de guérison (coffret)
French edition
A game of cards and strategy whose goal is to bring out his or her rival from the Hospital, a place of freedom without boundaries. Players will have to use alternative medicine, electroshock, trade union struggle and occult forces to succeed.
Jonathan Monk - Anything by The Smiths
no text
Visual documentation on Jonathan Monk's eponymous exhibition, commissioned by curator Marc-Olivier Wahler on the occasion of the twenty-year anniversary of the CAN Centre d'art Neuchâtel. The British artist revisits an iconic exhibition he did during the first years of the CAN in 1997. The publication confronts the images of the two events.
Bruno Botella - Qotrob
French edition
Hallucinogenetic experiments and Persan lycanthropy.
Martin Widmer - Serpent
bilingual edition (English / French)
A series of photographs by Martin Widmer, taken in Jonathan Binet's exhibition at CAN, Neuchâtel. Widmer's over-exposure disrupts the traditional contours of the artwork and questions the notions of authority and subject.
Superamas (box set + 2 vinyl LPs)
English edition
Luxurious box set including 4 catalogues and a double vinyl of the concert by Damo Suzuki and The Fume (a live performance by the ex-singer of CAN, in the continuity of the krautrock movement), prolonging one year of evolving exhibitions and performances at Centre d'Art de Neuchâtel.
 Les Frères Chapuisat - Erratique
bilingual edition (English / French)
Artist's book / catalogue.
 Les Frères Chapuisat - In Wood We Trust
bilingual edition (English / French)
Artist's book / catalogue.
 Collectif_fact - The Fourth Wall
bilingual edition (English / French)
Recent video works by the Swiss artists duo: a deconstruction of the cinematic codes within our visual culture.
Les héros de la pensée
French edition
A heroic performance bringing together seven renowned thinkers, held to talk, on the principle of the Deleuzian ABC, of 26 different themes, during 26 hours... while drinking wine regularly.
Martin Widmer - Phénoménologie de l\'irrationnel / Phänomenologie des Irrationalen
bilingual edition (German / French)
First monograph on Swiss artist.
French edition
25.00 15.00 €
Swiss exhibition catalogue focused on the theme of the acceleration in globalization (with Kader Attia, Francis Baudevin, Daniele Buetti, Chris Cunningham, Philippe Decrauzat, Wim Delvoye, Mathieu Mercier...).
Niele Toroni - CAN
bilingual edition (English / French)
(last copies available!)

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