
Louis Ucciani - L\'index fouriériste
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
Digital version of the Fourierist conceptual index: a tool allowing a completely new reading of Charles Fourier's complete writings based on current possibilities of science and technology applied to texts, through a dedicated software interface for content analysis.
Louis Ucciani - L\'index fouriériste (+ CD-rom)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
The Fourierist conceptual index: a tool allowing a completely new reading of Charles Fourier's complete writings based on current possibilities of science and technology applied to texts, through a dedicated software interface for content analysis (CD-rom included).
Daniel Tyradellis - Qu\'appelons-nous penser ?
French edition
Diaphanes - TransPositions
The two philosophers share a dialogue on the representation of thought.
Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - Itérations
French edition
Diaphanes - Episteme
Six conferences on Franco-German epistemology—from Gaston Bachelard to Bruno Latour, Martin Heidegger, and Jacques Lacan—held by biologist Hans-Jörg Rheinberger from 1994 to 2007. The title pays homage to the thought of French philosopher Jacques Derrida.
Joseph Vogl - Crédit et débit
French edition
Diaphanes - TransPositions
Collection of interviews with author and filmmaker Alexander Kluge and philosopher and professor of literature Joseph Vogl, specially produced by Kluge for German television.
Faire art comme on fait société - Les Nouveaux commanditaires (+ 2 DVD)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Misceallenous
A multidisciplinary reflection on a new type of engagement of art in democracy, renewing relationships between creation, culture and society: 47 contributions by international thinkers and actors of the art world (with 9 movies on DVD).
Joshua Simon - Neomaterialism
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
Neomaterialism explores the meaning of the world of commodities, and reintroduces various notions of dialectical materialism into the conversation on the subjectivity and vitalism of things.
French Theory and American Art
English edition
(SIC) - Continental Rift
25.00 12.50 €
The first in-depth study of the reception of “French Theory” by American artists since the early 1960's.
Pierre Montebello - Kant, son esthétique - Entre mythes et récits
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Fama
Interpretative destiny of Kant's aesthetics.
Joseph Vogl - Le spectre du capital
French edition
Diaphanes - Minima oeconomia
In the context of a pervasive and long-standing financial crisis, Joseph Vogl questions the capitalist system, its secrets, its modus operandi, and the way it perpetuates itself. One of the most noteworthy books on the economic crisis in Europe.
Horst Bredekamp - Leibniz, Herrenhausen et Versailles - Le jardin à la française, un parcours de la modernité
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History –
A Leibnizian reinterpretation of the traditional opposition between French geometric and English landscape gardens.
Thinking – Resisting – Reading the Political
English edition
Diaphanes - Misceallenous
The essays collected in Thinking – Resisting – Reading the Political engage with political phenomena in their interrelations with arts as well as with recent theoretical and philosophical perspectives on the very meaning of politics, the political, and community.
French edition
25.00 15.00 €
A collective work / exhibition on paper / second reading book / subjective anthology: ten artists' inserts conceived ​​specifically for the book, and ten historical and contemporary philosophical texts (Bloch, Lukács, Poincaré, Sloterdijk...) in relation.
Simon Critchley - The Mattering of Matter - Documents from the Archive of the International Necronautical Society
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
19.00 9.50 €
A collection of documents of Tom McCarthy's “semi-fictitious organisation” International Necronautical Society, cofounded with Simon Critchley.
Céline Guillot - Inventer un peuple qui manque : que peut la littérature pour la communauté ? - Blanchot, Bataille, Char, Michaux, Nancy, Agamben
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Literary field
An analysis of the contemporary crisis of the concept of community, rethought in a philosophical but also poetical perspective, from the work of Maurice Blanchot, Jean-Luc Nancy, Giorgio Agamben, Georges Bataille, René Char, and Henri Michaux.
Manifeste de Dingdingdong - Précédé de De la chorée de George Huntington
French edition
The Dingdingdong Manifesto / Institute for the coproduction of knowledge about Huntington's Disease.
Richard Shusterman - Chemins de l\'art - Transfiguration du pragmatisme au zen
French edition
Al Dante - Contemporary Art
In this short essay, philosopher Richard Shusterman discusses Arthur Danto's aesthetic theory and develops a new reflection to go beyond the differences between art and life.
Franco Berardi - Skizo-Mails
English edition
Errant Bodies - Doormats
The political chronicle of the world held by Franco Berardi, by e-mail, on social networking and online publication platforms, from 2009 to 2012.
Les héros de la pensée
French edition
CAN (Centre d'Art Neuchâtel)
A heroic performance bringing together seven renowned thinkers, held to talk, on the principle of the Deleuzian ABC, of 26 different themes, during 26 hours... while drinking wine regularly.
Juliane Rebentisch - Aesthetics of Installation Art
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
A study of the philosophical, ethical and political underpinnings of installation art.
Printemps de septembre à Toulouse - D\'un autre monde
bilingual edition (English / French)
Printemps de septembre
15.00 8.00 €
Retrospective catalogue of the 21th edition of the contemporary art festival in Toulouse, France, curated by Anne Pontégnie.
Autres - Être sauvage de Rousseau à nos jours
French edition
ESAAA (Higher School of Art Annecy)
A collective essay as much as an exhibition catalogue, dedicated to the imaginary of the savage, from the 15th century to the contemporary culture, based on Rousseau's conception of state of nature.
Sophie Statius - Langage de l\'enfant, langage du peuple - Qu\'est-ce que la « vie du langage » ?
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Miscellaneous
The relationship between language and thought in pedagogy and humanities at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
José M. González García - Métaphores du pouvoir
French edition
An essay of political philosophy in which José M. González García examines the role of the metaphor in politics throughout history.
Everything Is In Everything - Jacques Rancière Between Intellectual Emancipation and Aesthetic Education
English edition
JRP|Editions - Anthologies & Art Theory
(last copies available!)
Rancière and aesthetics (anthology).
Peter Galison - Objectivité
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Fabula
The story of objectivity, by two of the greatest historians of science today.
Cahiers Charles Fourier - Biographies fouriéristes
French edition
Cahiers Charles Fourier
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Charles Fourier review
A new approach to the history of Fourierism and societary movement, based on the project of a biographical dictionary of Fourierism.
Friedrich Kittler - Platz der Luftbrücke - Ein Gespräch mit Stefan Banz
German edition
Kunsthalle Marcel Duchamp
The extended new edition of the out-of-print publication of the same name, from the year 1996, appears on the occasion of the death of Friedrich Kittler. Along with an introduction, it contains an extensive and unabridged interview with Stefan Banz and Kittler's unusual text Skiagraphia, die Schattenschrift (the shadowed text) from 2005.
Edward W. Saïd - Dans l\'ombre de l\'Occident / Les Arabes peuvent-ils parler ?
French edition
BlackJack editions - Pile ou face
17.00 10.00 €
Two both aesthetic and political engaged considerations on the relationship between the West and the Middle East (or more generally between the West and its others), from the figures of exile and the two cultures: three unpublished interviews of Edward W. Said / a deconstruction of a common European view on the Arab world by Seloua Luste Boulbina.
Philosophie des possessions
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Drama
A series of portraits of philosophers remained outside majority movements of contemporary thought (Gabriel Tarde, William James, Alfred North Whitehead, John Dewey, Charles Péguy, Etienne Souriau, Raymond Ruyer, and Gilbert Simondon), brought together around the theme of the “possession”.
Howard Rouse - Egocracy - Marx, Freud and Lacan
English edition
Diaphanes - Misceallenous
A confrontation of the works of Marx, Freud, and Lacan.
Jann-Marc Rouillan - Contre-attaques - Perspective Jean-Marc Rouillan
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
23.40 12.00 €
This second issue brings together contributions reflecting on the political commitment and literary work of Jean-Marc Rouillan, and shedding light on three of Rouillan's most important influences today: philosophers Daniel Bensaïd and Henri Lefebvre, and activist Pierre Goldman (with contributions by Véronique Bergen, Charles Pennequin, Julien Blaine, Rada Ivekovic, Pierre Linguanotto, Laurence Denimal, Stéphane Nowak Papantoniou…).
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
French edition
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
Les presses du réel – Literature – Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
Derrida's postcards to Blanchot, essays by Jean-Luc Nancy, Didier Cahen, Kevin Hart, Michel Deguy, lectures at the Collège International de Philosophie (Gisèle Berkman, Danielle Cohen-Levinas, Leslie Hill, Michael Holland), studies (Jérémie Majorel, Daniel Dobbels, Yuji Nishiyama), reading notes...
Beyond Potentialities? - Politics between the Possible and the Impossible
English edition
Diaphanes - Subjektile
This volume assembles articles that investigate the question of the possible and the impossible in politics. Discussing thinkers such as Agamben, Badiou, Foucault, and Debord, Beyond Potentialities? explores different perspectives and highlight the relevance of this issue for contemporary political thought.
Jean-Paul Curnier - Vingt et un tours de la question (radiophonies)
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
Collection of fictitious transcripts of radio speeches by experts on subjects such as art in life, the scarcity of water, cigarettes, or neighborhood relations. Among the 21 speeches, only one is authentic. A humoristic take on the notion of expert, and its propagandist deviation.
Cahiers Charles Fourier
French edition
Cahiers Charles Fourier
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Charles Fourier review
Essays by Patrick Samzun, Louis Ucciani, Tomomi Fukushima, Quentin Detourbet, Denis Andro...
Ludovic Burel - Archives du biopouvoir
French edition
it: editions
An experimental selection of documents from the archives of the city of Marseilles, constituting a visual representation of biopower as theorized by philosopher Michel Foucault.
Dominique Lestel - Journey to the End of the Species
English edition
Dis Voir - Figures
Part philosophical anthology and part science fiction, this illustrated volume tackles the mind-boggling phenomenon of post-humanism. Journey to the End of the Species offers various proposals to actually create successors to the human race, establishing a set of resources--literary, artistic and political--to initiate thinking about a previously inconceivable future beyond humanity as we know it.
Dominique Lestel - Voyage au bout de l\'espèce
French edition
Dis Voir - Figures
Part philosophical anthology and part science fiction, this illustrated volume tackles the mind-boggling phenomenon of post-humanism. Journey to the End of the Species offers various proposals to actually create successors to the human race, establishing a set of resources--literary, artistic and political--to initiate thinking about a previously inconceivable future beyond humanity as we know it.
Penser l\'image
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Perceptions
An anthology of texts by philosophers, theoricians and art historians (H. Belting, H. Bredekamp, G. Didi-Huberman, J.-L. Nancy, W.J.T. Mitchell...) around the specific logic of the image and the transformation of the contemporary visual field.
Carole Boulbès - Picabia avec Nietzsche - Lettres d\'amour à Suzanne Romain (1944-1948)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Avant-gardes – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
From Picabia's unpublished love letters to a philosophical and aesthetic inquiry on art, through Goethe, Schlegel, Hegel, or Baudelaire.
Charles Fourier - L\'écart absolu
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Misceallenous
Charles Fourier's theories and archives, his disciples and the concrete becomings of his utopian system, his influences in history, in modern and contemporary art... with about 20 essays and 300 illustrations.
Michel Surya - L\'Impasse
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
A pornographic text in which the author gives a desperate speech to his beloved. A nerve-racking narrative in which Michel Surya pushes the limits of excess.
Michel Surya - Contre-attaques - Perspective Michel Surya
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
23.40 12.00 €
The first issue of the collective review edited by philosopher and playwright Alain Jugnon gathers contributions inspired by the works of Michel Surya, and of three of his main influences, Beckett, Kafka, and Pascal.

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