
Founded in 2006 with Mousse Magazine, Mousse Publishing grew out of the demand felt in the sector for a new attitude towards art publishing. The underlying idea was to give every collaborative project (with museums, institutions, fairs, galleries, artists and curators) the originality, care and attention that have always distinguished the publisher's high-quality work.
Steven Claydon -
English edition
First major monograph dedicated to the British artist, bringing together visual documentation, texts addressing the artist's multifarious practice over recent years, and a comprehensive chronology spanning his twenty-year career.
English edition
Catalogue of the eponymous exhibition at the Nordic Pavilion at the 57th Venice Biennale, featuring works by six artists from different generations: Siri Aurdal, Nina Canell, Charlotte Johannesson, Jumana Manna, Pasi “Sleeping” Myllymäki, and Mika Taanila.
Maurizio Donzelli - La linea del tutto
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Monographic catalogue: a selection from the italian artist's most recent works—acrylic drawings, watercolours, and the Mirrors series.
Geoffrey Farmer - A Way Out of the Mirror
bilingual edition (English / French)
A complement to the project presented by the Vancouver-based artist at the Canadian pavilion for the 2017 Venice Bienniale, this publication includes over two hundred drawings by Farmer, at once perfectly readable and traumatic, and a glossary compiled by curator Kitty Scott.
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Kathy Noble on narcissism in recent art; Robert Barry on Erkki Kurenniemi; John Knight; Seth Price; Julia Weist & Nestor Siré; Johannes Paul Raether; Yan Xing; Trix + Robert Haussmann; Kevin Jerome Everson; Leilah Weinraub; Lantian Xie; Basma Alsharif; Duane Linklater; Robertas Narkus; “Let's Make Protest Great Again” by Jens Hoffmann; “Weeping, Dreaming, Fucking, Laughing. This Is How Some Revolutions Get Started” by Andrew Berardini.
Moving Tales - Video Works from the La Gaia Collection
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
This exceptional catalogue follows an exhibition of video works from the La Gaia Collection in Italy. It features documentation of the show and individual presentations of works by the major video artists of the 20th century to nowadays: Marina Abramović, Pierre Bismuth, Mircea Cantor, Rä Di Martino, Ion Grigorescu, Gary Hill, Jonathan Horowitz, Alfredo Jaar, William Kentridge, Adrian Paci, Rosemarie Trockel, Valie Export, Bill Viola…
Christoph Meier - C&O
bilingual edition (English / German)
The work of Austrian artist Christoph Meier examines space as a site of social interaction and interrogates the conditions of contemporary art production and presentation. This exhibition catalogue provides multiple entry points to his practice, with three in-depth articles by Vanessa Joan Müller, Anna Nowak, and Thomas D. Trummer, and an interview with the artist.
bilingual edition (English / Portuguese)
Companion book / reader to the eponymous exhibition at MAAT, Lisbon. It features previously unpublished essays on the ongoing transition from the notion of utopia toward its mirror image: dystopia.
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
This issue dedicated to documenta 14 addresses themes, artists, and projects spanning between Athens and Kassel. Including: Moyra Davey by Quinn Latimer; Vivian Suter & Elisabeth Sussman; Roee Rosen; “Preliminary notes for a Black manifesto” by Rasheed Araeen; Khvay Samnang “; The Globalised Museum?” by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung; articles by Kirsty Bell, Irena Haiduk, Pierre Bal-Blanc, Neni Panourgiá, Dieter Roelstraete, and more.
Critical Writing Ensembles & Dhaka Art Summit 2016 (2 books)
English edition
2-volume set bringing together a visual catalogue of the 2016 Dhaka Art Summit and a conjunct reader addressing the themes that informed the Critical Writing Ensembles—an international platform dedicated to art writing—which gathered during the South Asian art festival.
Matthias Dornfeld - D647
English edition
This catalogue gives an overview of the works by German painter Matthias Dornfeld, who depicts traditional subjects of classical paintings—landscapes, portraits, still lifes—with a style inherited from naïve expressive painting.
Jan Peter Hammer -
English edition
This is the first monograph detailing the practice of the German artist Jan Peter Hammer. The two essays and the conversation between the artist and Adam Kleinmann address the economic, social and historical tones that characterize Hammer's video installations, as well as his sculptures and neon pieces, which are chronicled from 1993 to 2015.
Judith Hopf - Up
trilingual edition (English / German / Italian)
Hopf's multidisciplinary practice addresses the paradoxes and ridicule that spill form high-minded attitudes toward art making and the faith in technology, professionalism, and efficiency. This catalogue gathers a significant sampling of her works, as well as two essays and an interview.
 Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys - I Piccoli Pupazzi Sporchi di Pruppà
English edition
Following the artists' previous series of life-size puppets in Die Schmutzigen Puppen von Pommern, this new publication presents a collection of one hundred sixty-four small puppets, each having a unique look.
Salomé Lamas - Parafiction
English edition
Among Portugal's most interesting young filmmakers, Salomé Lamas explores the boundaries and circumstances of documentary filmmaking, working at the intersection of ethnography, history, storytelling, memory, and fiction. This publication documents her work since 2010, through contributions, video stills, and interviews.
Andrew James Paterson - Collection/Correction
English edition
First survey of the Canadian artist's writings, including a series of new and recent poems, scripts from his videos, and four fictocriticism texts published in IMPULSE magazine between 1980 and 1989.
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Dean Daderko, Arthur Jafa and Sondra Perry on blackness, technology and Alien ontologies; Stefanie Hessler exchanges oceanic ideas with Heidi Ballet; Puppies Puppies talk to Tenzing Barshee; Hannah Black as seen by Rahel Aima; essays by Alexander Provan, Orit Gat and Jens Hoffmann; William Pope.L and Mia Locks; Sam Thorne with Marianna Simnett; Anna Gritz and Eric Baudelaire; Luke Willis Thompson; Basel Abbas & Ruanne Abou-Rahme; Raúl de Nieves, and more.
Nina Beier - Cash for Gold
English edition
Most comprehensive monograph on the work of Nina Beier to date, Cash for Gold brings together eight essays drawing on the Danish's artistic practice and her investigation on the status of images in our contemporary reality.
Carsten Höller - Doubt
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
(last copies available!)
Belgian artist Carsten Höller has risen to the fore of the international scene with a practice that revolves around the search for new ways of inhabiting our world. This catalogue features 20 large-scale works––installations, videos, and photographs that play with optics and space.
David Maljković - A Retrospective by Appointment
bilingual edition (English / Croatian)
(last copies available!)
Following the experimental format of the Maljković's eponymous exhibition, A Retrospective by Appointment deconstructs the traditional format of a retrospective catalogue. Adopting a nonhierarchical presentation, the publication introduces the artist's key concerns, methods, and works, and proves to be a relevant critic of Zagreb's institutional landscape.
Designing Dreams - A Celebration of Léon Bakst
bilingual edition (English / French)
This publication, conceived as an extension of the eponymous exhibition and its design, gathers scientific contributions from leading researchers and art and dance historians alongside in situ installation views, paying tribute to Léon Bakst, the greatest set designer of the modern era (new edition).
Marie Lund - Scout
English edition
A series of sculptures set in a roofless exhibition space in Merida, Mexico.
Mousse - 2006-2016 – A Small Anthology
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
10-year anniversary special issue: a selection of essays, interviews, conversations, and projects appeared in the first ten years of Mousse.
Petrit Halilaj - Space Shuttle in the Garden
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Catalogue analyzing the oeuvre of Kosovan artist Petrit Halilaj from multiple perspectives, through a selection of essays by Andrea Bagnato, Leonardo Bigazzi, Adrian Paci, and Roberta Tenconi.
Katja Novitskova - Dawn Mission
bilingual edition (English / German)
An artist's book / catalogue exploring the new role of the image in a world modeled by visual artifacts.
Valeska Soares -
bilingual edition (English / Portuguese)
(last copies available!)
This first comprehensive monograph details over ten years of work by Brazilian, New York-based artist, Valeska Soares.
Hassan Khan - Twelve Clues
English edition
A mystery tale illustrated with artworks by twelve contemporary artists.
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Samson Young; essays by Hendrik Folkerts, Michael Taussig, Benjamin Thorel, and Tim Griffin; Rayyane Tabet in conversation with Haegue Yang; Laura McLean-Ferris on empathy and the confessional; round-table on materialist history of exhibitions; Kishio Suga by Stuart Munro; Andrew Berardini on flowers and art; artificial creativity by John Menick; Lawrence Lek with Cécile B. Evans; Kasper Bosmans; and more.
I Have a Friend Who Knows Someone Who Bought a Video, Once - On Collecting Video Art
English edition
The publication follows investigations lead by LOOP—a platform dedicated to the study and promotion of the moving image—and questions the act of collecting artists' films and videos.
Participation - ART for The World – 1995-2016
English edition
Published on the occasion of the twenty-year anniversary of the non-governmental organization ART for The World, this publication presents the prestigious organization's activities during the period 1995 to 2016.
Liliana Moro - 29,88 KMQ
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
The publication encloses a rich documentation on the design, construction and installation of an eponymous permanent work created by Liliana Moro for the seventh edition of “All'Aperto” (Outdoors) in Trivero, in the Piemonte countryside.
Dan Rees - Road Back To Relevance
English edition
Road Back To Relevance gives insight into the last decade of Dan Rees's practice. It brings together groups of works—paintings, videos, installations, and photography—that have never before been viewed simultaneously, and reveals the complex nature of the artist's research.
Sam Falls - Resonance
English edition
A photographic attempt to capture the elusive nature of the Californian landscape.
Ivan Picelj - The Concrete Utopia - Ivan Picelj and New Tendencies – 1961-1973
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
This exhibition catalogue dedicated to Croatian artist Ivan Picelj provides a much needed closer look at the international neo-avantgardes of programmed art, taking a critically systematic approach to the investigation currently underway.
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Ieva Misevičiūtė, prosthetics and sculpture, Anne Imhof, native North America, outsider aesthetics, New Scenario, a special section on artists curating exhibitions, Ronald Jones, Gary Indiana, Willa Nasatir, Ragna Bley, Noah Barker, Isiah Medina, the year 1972, relational ontologies, Geoffrey Farmer and Dora García, the emergence of the “Supergroup,” Cecilia Bengolea and François Chaignaud, radical domesticity: Morag Keil and Georgie Nettell, an essay on dress-up…
Raphael Hefti - A) Negligence Causing a Fire
bilingual edition (English / German)
Poet Harry Burke recounts an extreme and barely legal experiment led by artist Raphael Hefti in a mountain village in Switzerland in 2008 (artist's book).
Judith Bernstein - Rising
English edition
First major publication to contextualize feminist artist Bernstein's vast oeuvre within the history of art, feminism, and the American socio-political climate of the late-20th century.
Lara Favaretto - Ageing Process
English edition
A manual / first monograph on Lara Favaretto's works comprising iconographic documentation and complementary essays by critics and specialists.
Francesco Jodice - Panorama
texts in English and Italian
A deconstructed overview offering the widest selection of Jodice's works ever presented: more than twenty years of eclectic art—alternating between photography, videos and installations.
Oliver Osborne - European Paintings
English edition
First monograph.
Francesco Vezzoli - Museo Museion
trilingual edition (English / German / Italian)
Catalogue of Vezzoli's double project at Museion: as guest curator, presenting an exhibition of the Museion collection, and as artist, with the first complete retrospective of his sculptural work.
Cally Spooner - Peep-Hole Sheet - On False Tears and Outsourcing
English edition
A selection of notes on Cally Spooner's forthcoming novel—shaped as a map of potential starts, plots and snippets of dialogue between possible characters.
I Marziani - Drawing in Italian XX century Art
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
I Marziani discovers and reconsiders certain chapters of Italian art history from the last century through works on paper (most of which have never been shown in museums) from the angle of new visual and intellectual intersections.
Manfred Pernice -
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
This monographic catalogue focuses on the artist's ongoing Kassetten (cassettes) series, initially begun in 2012. Spanning back to 1996, the book features abundant documentation of the various manifestations of the works, visual references, and other recent sculptures as well as texts by Lulu co-founder Chris Sharp.
Matt Mullican - Peep-Hole Sheet - Details from Heaven and Hell
English edition
Details from Heaven and Hell is the new chapter of Matt Mullican's cosmology, whose first models dates from 1973, and has evolved over the years and materialized in various media and performances.
Simon Starling - A–Z
English edition
A pocket, non illustrated mid-career catalogue raisonné of a practice now spanning over two decades.
Marcel Broodthaers - Charles Baudelaire - Je hais le mouvement qui déplace les lignes
French edition
Facsimile edition of an artist book by Marcel Broodthaers based on a verse from Baudelaire's poem La Beauté.
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Nicolaus Schafhausen interviews Goshka Macuga, Sam Thorne talks with Cally Spooner and Marguerite Humeau, Carol Bove and Tauba Auerbach exchange emails regarding work and life, Tara McDowell and Céline Condorelli in conversation, John Menick on A.I. and beauty, Rebecca Warren and Albert Oehlen, an essay on belly dancing by Martha Kirszenbaum, Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige, Sondra Perry...
Ennesima - An Exhibition of Seven Exhibitions on Italian Art (8 books)
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
The publishing project Ennesima interprets and investigates the multiple, extensive thematic content covered in the eponymous curatorial project of seven exhibitions spanning over fifty years of contemporary art in Italy, since the beginning of the sixties to the present day.
Elio Montanari - Quis Erudiet Without Documenta
English edition
For nearly thirty years, Elio Montanari has been photographing artists at work—either producing or installing their artworks in the context of major exhibitions and international events. The photographs reproduced within this publication capture with full spontaneity the working process involving artists, assistants, curators and peers.

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