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Jean-Luc Nancy, Ârash Aminian Tabrizi - Sexpositions
A series of exchanges relating to questions of gender, sexual difference and sexualities, enabling not only a rereading of Jean-Luc Nancy's corpus and its developments through the prism of what Nancy has called sexistence, but also the reinscription of the elaboration of this concept in a web of biographical elements and, hence, an exploration of the philosopher's actual sexistence.
Jean-Luc Nancy (1940-2021) was one of the great figures of post-modern philosophy and one of the most influential contemporary thinkers. He taught Philosophy at the Université Marc Bloch, Strasbourg and was visiting professor with the universities of Berkeley, Irvine, San Diego and Berlin until he recently retired from his professorship. His work has been acknowledged and praised by academics and the wider international public alike. It comprises a variety of research focuses reaching from the ontology of society to the metamorphosis of reason and the arts, on image studies, and even on political and religious aspects with respect to ongoing developments. In his latest texts he has focused on the deconstruction of monotheism.
Trained in Brussels, Oxford and New York, Ârash Aminian Tabrizi (born 1988) ventures to the frontiers of literature and philosophy. His research focuses on the early writings and publications of Jean-Paul Sartre. His other work focuses on the writing of sex and the sexes, the reception of German philosophy in France, the limits of aesthetics and the arts, and the history of contingency in French thought from the Revolution to the present day.
Drawings and etchings by Léa Falguère.
published in March 2024
French edition
17 x 24 cm (softcover)
240 pages (ill.)
ISBN : 978-2-37896-436-8
EAN : 9782378964368
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