Sternberg Press

History, Criticism and Theory

Actors, Agents and Attendants - Social Housing – Housing the Social: Art, Property and Spatial Justice
English edition
Sternberg Press
sold out
How ongoing transformations in social housing are reflected in the aspirations and practices of artists.
Performing the Curatorial - With and Beyond Art
English edition
Sternberg Press
sold out
The performative dimension of the curatorial.
Work, Work, Work - A Reader on Art and Labour
English edition
Sternberg Press
sold out
What is “work” today and what is its relation to art.
Contemporary Art and Its Commercial Markets - A Report on Current Conditions and Future Scenarios
English edition
Sternberg Press
sold out
The complex and contested entanglements of contemporary art and its commercial markets.
Raimundas Malašauskas - Paper Exhibition - Selected Writings
English edition
Sternberg Press
sold out
An anthology of writings by curator and writer Raimundas Malašauskas.
Eyal Weizman - Mengele\'s Skull - The Advent of a Forensic Aesthetics
English edition
Sternberg Press
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A study in which Thomas Keenan and Eyal Weizman discusses the way that forensic investigation and identification of Joseph Mengele's remains marks a transition, giving way to an "era of forensics", in which things—such as bones—act as the witnesses of past events.
Alex Coles - The Transdisciplinary Studio
English edition
Sternberg Press
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A study of transdisciplinary studio models of artists (Olafur Eliasson and Jorge Pardo), product designers (Konstantin Grcic), and graphic designers (Åbäke).
Design Act - Socially and Politically Engaged Design Today – Critical Roles and Emerging Tactics
English edition
Sternberg Press
sold out
A project that presents and discusses contemporary design practices that engage with political and societal issues.
Jan Verwoert - Tell Me What You Want, What You Really, Really Want
English edition
Sternberg Press
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A selection of recent writings by the art critic, galvanizing central themes Verwoert has been developing in pursuit of a language to describe art's transformative potential in conceptual, performative, and emotional terms.
Markus Miessen - The Nightmare of Participation (Crossbench Praxis as a Mode of Criticality)
English edition
Sternberg Press
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The Nightmare of Participation calls for a format of conflictual participation—no longer a process by which others are invited “in,” but a means of acting without mandate, as uninvited irritant: a forced entry into fields of knowledge that arguably benefit from exterior thinking.
Iaspis Forum on Design and Critical Practice - The Reader
bilingual edition (English / Swedish)
Sternberg Press
sold out
What happens when you look at design as some thing more than a service-based relationship between client and designer? What new strategies and models help to question and challenge the limits of design? What outer circumstances influence this kind of practice?
Isabelle Graw - High Price - Art Between the Market and Celebrity Culture
English edition
Sternberg Press
sold out
Towards the art world's inner contradictions between symbolic meaning and monetary value.
Institution Building - Artists, Curators, Architects in the Struggle for Institutional Space
English edition
Sternberg Press
sold out
A study that conceptualizes, tests, and practically applies the spatial strategy for the European Kunsthalle.
Céline Condorelli - Support Structures
English edition
Sternberg Press
sold out
A manual for what bears, sustains, and props, for those things that encourage, care for, and assist; for that which advocates, articulates; for what stands behind, frames, and maintains: a manual for those things that give support.
Anders Olsson - As a Weasel Sucks Eggs - An Essay on Melancholy and Cannibalism
English edition
Sternberg Press
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As a Weasel Sucks Eggs examines the enigmatic relation of melancholia to an early kind of cannibalism, which psychoanalysis, in particular, stressed. It contains readings of, amongst others, Franz Kafka, Samuel Beckett, Thomas Bernhard, Sigmund Freud, G. W. F. Hegel, and the Swedish poet Gunnar Ekelöf.
Diedrich Diederichsen - On (Surplus) Value in Art
trilingual edition (English / German / Dutch)
Sternberg Press
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Drawing on fresh readings of Marxist and post-modern thought, renowned German cultural critic Diedrich Diederichsen compares the abstract and climbing values of artworks with the plunging value of music—a traditionally immaterial art—in order to formulate a broad reflection on the current “crisis of value in the arts.”
The Greenroom - Reconsidering the Documentary and Contemporary Art #1
English edition
Sternberg Press
sold out
An anthology of texts on documentary practices in contemporary art.
Hans Ulrich Obrist - ...dontstopdontstopdontstopdontstop
English edition
Sternberg Press
sold out
A compendium of texts containing famous exhibition case studies, involving some of the more thought-provoking artists, architects, and scientists of our time. A must-have for anyone interested in the unusual strategies of a curator-at-large.
Swamps and the New Imagination - On the Future of Cohabitation in Art, Architecture and Philosophy
English edition
Sternberg Press
An exploration of the "swampy" zone between the human and the other forms of life that make up his ecosystem and his environment, at the intersection of art, architecture and philosophy, in the perspective of a posthumanist ecology.
Brian Dillon - In Pieces - Writings on Art, Etc.
English edition
Sternberg Press
A collection of critical, polemic, and personal essays composed in the past decade.

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