Samuel Étienne

Samuel Étienne (aka Seitoung) has been publishing fanzines since the mid-1980s. Essentially musical in the early years, he evolved into literary and then artistic fanzines. At the end of the 1990s, he created the Mélanie Séteun publishing house and then co-founded Volume! The French journal of popular music studies. In 2014, he founded Strandflat Editions, an association that publishes essays and fanzines on do-it-yourself artistic practices.

(external link :
Samuel Étienne - 66 manifestes pour un art rebelle 100% DIY
French edition
(last copies available!)
Revised and expanded edition of the playful fanzine-manifesto for a rebellious art, presenting 66 more or less subversive artistic movements, to become a rebellious artist in less than a year...
Samuel Étienne - Bricolage Radical - Génie et  banalité des fanzines do-it-yourself – Tome 2
French edition
A panorama of the world of do-it-yourself fanzines.
Samuel Étienne - Bricolage Radical - Génie et  banalité des fanzines do-it-yourself
French edition
sold out
A panorama of the world of do-it-yourself fanzines.
topicSamuel Étienne: also present in

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