
Created in 2004 in Zurich by Lionel Bovier, JRP|Editions (previously JRP|Ringier) is an international art publishing house based in Geneva. Neither a micro-structure nor an outreach of a media group, the company has organized the production according to defined typologies and series, while maintaining a flexible approach to artists' projects. This strategy has allowed a catalogue of titles aimed at the contemporary art audience, and structured around different editorial lines and time frames to develop, often in collaboration with institutions and renowned editors. Presenting to a specialized and general public a generation of artists who emerged in the 1990s, the 2000s, and the early 2010s, as well as introducing the newest positions in today's scene, JRP|Editions' catalogue also demonstrates an interest in remapping the 1980s, and in publishing significant texts and artists still overlooked today.

JRP|Editions co-publishes with Les presses du réel the Positions and Documents series, as well as various catalogues and monographs.
Jirí Kovanda - Performances and Installations - 1976-2005
English edition
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This book is the first complete edition of the actions, installations and interventions of Jirí Kovanda : a rediscovery in Conceptual art.
When Humour Becomes Painful
bilingual edition (English / German)
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Humour as a strategy in art, from Dada to Fluxus and contemporary conceptual art.
Robert Barry - REAL.....PERSONAL
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
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This small monograph follows the set-up of Robert Barry's artistic programs within the corporate spaces of a bank and the ways he conceived simultaneously his site-specificity and his break away from this framework.
Heidi Bucher -
bilingual edition (English / German)
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First retrospective monograph devoted to the Swiss artist, famous for her soft sculptures and latex molds of architectural fragments or whole spaces.
Kelley Walker - The Failever of Judgement
English edition
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The first monograph devoted to these two young American artists.
Private View 1980-2000 - Collection Pierre Huber
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Catalog of one of the most important private collections of contemporary art.
Diaries & Dreams - Arbeiten auf Papier
German edition
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Exhibition catalogue (Louise Bourgeois, Marlene Dumas, Jim Shaw, Marcel Dzama, Bjarne Melgaard).
Nick Relph -
English edition
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Artists' book, covered in the fabric used on London Underground seats, with an electronic chip ringing like a mobile phone when it is opened.
Cory Arcangel - Beige
bilingual edition (English / German)
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First monograph of the artist "hacking" the video game imagery..
Liam Gillick - Woven/Intersected/Revised
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
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This small monograph shows the realization of Liam Gillick's designs in conference rooms, corridors, and offices of a bank, coinciding with his sustained interest in the negotiation of a middle ground between corporate culture and contemporary art. The volume is accompanied by an artist's essay discussing the dissolution of the public/private dichotomy into a grey zone of semi-public/semi-private spheres.
Gianni Motti -
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
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First monograph of the activist-artist.
Ari Marcopoulos - Even the President of the United States sometimes has got to stand naked
English edition
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When the personal becomes political.
Mike Kelley - Interviews, conversations, and chit-chat (1986-2004)
English edition
Les presses du réel – Artists' Writings – Positions
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Mike Kelley's major interviews and critical essays.
Urs Fischer - Kir Royal
bilingual edition (English / German)
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Fully illustrated monograph, with three essays and a chronology.
On Kawara - The \'90s
bilingual edition (English / French)
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The 1990s in eleven "Date Paintings" As one of the most important Conceptual artists, On Kawara features in most of the surveys on post-war art. This book, conceived in close collaboration with On Kawara himself, takes a very intimate form in comparison to many monographs published recently. This seems an appropriate manner in which to discover eleven paintings created over a decade, letting the viewer complete their reading with personal associations, historical events, or academic interpretations. “Perhaps,” writes Thierry Davila in his text, “art is simply a particular way of taking time … So the work, the on-going creation is essentially a question of using time … ” Seen from this perspective On Kawara has invented a simple and striking way to make art, by taking time, taking his time. He found a way to use the calendar to make a kind of “non-individual” art work. In his Date Paintings, time itself has become a piece of art. The work is pure realism, the existence of time put in painting, thus rendering it—up to a certain point—viewable and readable.
Paul Noble -
English edition
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First monograph.
Eva Rothschild -
bilingual edition (English / German)
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First monograph on Irish artist.
Albert Oehlen - Peintures / Malerei – 1980-2004 - Selbstportrait mit 50 millionenfacher Lichtgeschwindigkeit
bilingual edition (German / French)
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The most comprehensive monograph on Oehlen's paintings.
Jim Shaw - O
French edition
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Documentation of the O-ist religion created by Shaw.
Forde/A4 - Production 2002-2004
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Original invitation cards of the independent contemporary art space based in the cultural alternative center Usine in Geneva.
Mike Kelley - Memory Ware / Wood Grain / Carpet
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
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A monograph that imitates a jewelry catalogue, dedicated to Kelley's most recent body of works.
Walter Pfeiffer - 1970-1980
bilingual edition (English / German)
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A re-edition of the original cult book of well known Swiss photographer.
John Armleder - Yellow Pages
no text
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John Armleder's 404 Team yellow pages.
Richard Prince - Man
no text
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Conceived by the artist, this book gathers unpublished manuscripts, well-known as well as unshown works from his personal collection, erotic cartoons, fan's photographs, photographs of “white trash” suburbs and studio shots.
Mark Leckey - Twindmill Street W1
English edition
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This book is the first to be dedicated to the British artist's work.
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - Spatial emotion in contemporary art & architecture
bilingual edition (English / German)
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This anthology aims to exploit the psychological associations of space and the psychological reactions to it.
Black Box Illuminated
English edition
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The moving image in art and culture.
Pierre Vadi - Safari
bilingual edition (English / French)
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First monograph on the Swiss artist.
Erik Steinbrecher - Arabesque à gogo
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A project by the Swiss artist for his exhibition at Pasqu'Art in Bienne.
Steven Parrino - The No Texts (1979-2003)
English edition
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An punk anthology of texts.
Dan Walsh - Recycling - Livres et estampes 1995-2002
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Walsh has produced many artist's books and prints that function as an experimental field for his paintings. The first documentation on this body of work.
Monica Bonvicini - Eternmale
bilingual edition (English / German)
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The format of the Eternmale duplicates Pirelli's famous calendars, while subverting its codes. The artist's book reproduces a serie of collages based on Playboy magazine's features of « bachelor pads » in the ‘60s. With an interview of the artist by beatrix Ruf.
Olaf Breuning -
English edition
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The book constitues the first « exhibition » of the drawings by the artist.
Jens Haaning - The Refugee Calendar
English edition
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Haaning's project consists in a wall calendar similar in format and lay-out to the colorful ones you can buy in bookstores an shops. Instead of using popular images, it presents photographs of refugees, either alone or in small groups.
Ben Kinmont - Prospectus 1988-2002 - Thirty-one works by Ben Kinmont
English edition
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First monograph of the conceptual American artist.
Dan Walsh - Paintings
English edition
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Paintings is both an artist's book and a document on the work of the New York painter.
Steven Parrino - Electrophilia - Shock Wave Troop (vinyl EP)
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Vinyl EP (live performance).
Olaf Breuning - Miuze
French edition
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Timewave Zero - A Psychedelic Reader
bilingual edition (English / German)
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An anthology re-mapping the relations between the modernist utopia of neutrality and that of the psychedelic moment.
Fabrice Gygi -
bilingual edition (English / French)
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9th Biennal of Moving Images
bilingual edition (English / French)
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Fully illustrated catalogue realized for the 9th edition of the Geneva Biennial, a festival dedicated to artists' film and video.
Fabrice Gygi - Self-Tattoos - Estampes et multiples 1982-2001
French edition
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The book includes an extensive interview with the Swiss artist and an inventory of his work.
Francis Baudevin - Yeah / Okay
texts in English, German, French
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First monograph on the artist / poster.
John Miller - The Price Club - Selected writings (1977-1998)
English edition
Les presses du réel – Artists' Writings – Positions
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From “polemical” texts to extensive theoretical essays, passing through Ed Ruscha, Bruce Nauman or John Baldessari, these writings have proved to be among the most challenging ones.
Allen Ruppersberg - 23, 24 & 25 pieces
texts in English and French
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Two artist's books reprinted with a third book never published.
Independant Spaces
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
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An anthology of texts on the problematic notion of "alterrnative", based on curatorial and artistic practices.
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster - Tropicale Modernité
texts in English and French
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Robert Morris - Telegram - The Rationed Years
English edition
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First artist's book by Morris.

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