
Clinamen is an independent, non-profit publishing house created in Geneva in 2013 by Mélanie Borès, Roxane Bovet and Lucas Cantori. Without becoming burdened by limiting borders, Clinamen moves in the domains of contemporary art. Its main intention is to valorize an ambiguous position, a position at the intersections of the web rather than at the center, to reject simplistic categories in order to see what ideas might come from meetings of people, disciplines, generations and practices. Clinamen's objective is to publish the unexpected and the essential within the vanguard of contemporary art and critical and curatorial theory.
In parallel, and since contemporary creation would not exist without its genealogy, Clinamen in also interested in the republication of texts and works corresponding to its editorial tentacles. The collection is titled “Mimic octopus” and, like the rest of the project, doesn't stop at borderlines.
17 titles
Jo·hana Blanc - Les déserteuses
French edition
currently out of stock
The first novel by Swiss artist Johana Blanc.
Marvin M\'toumo - Concours de larmes
French edition
currently out of stock
At the intersection between theatre, fashion design and poetry, Concours de larmes is a powerful text, both prophetic and unsettling. Based on the play of the same name presented at the TU - Théâtre de l'Usine in Geneva in 2022, it is presented in the form of set of divinatory cards, each character referring to a specific part of the text.
Daring Shifts
bilingual edition (English / French)
A hybrid collection of five illustrated short stories of speculative fiction from five countries and four continents
Rita Elhajj - Under water and up in the air
trilingual edition (English / Arabic / French)
A symbolic and political science fiction short story written in four languages.
Entretiens pour un film 2 - Gervasia Brocson
trilingual edition (English / French / Italian)
A series of reflections on major contemporary issues in the framework of feminism, individual and collective emancipation and self-organization, based on the film Scuola senza fine (1983) by Adriana Monti, figurehead of Italian feminist cinema.
Everything you ever wanted to know about Jeff Koons. Just kidding. It\'s a book of interviews with nine really great artists
bilingual edition (English / French)
Nine interviews with the artists exhibited in the Geneva art space Forde between 2018 and 2020.
Grace Seri - Sans Grace
bilingual edition (English / French)
Sans Grace is the book by two actresses, one from Geneva, the other based in Paris. It takes up the first improvisational exercises that they carried out before conceiving the stage diptych Sans Grace / Avec Grace, on tour in Switzerland and Belgium.
A-sides - A cosmology of audio editions by artists around the Arc Lémanique region
English edition
Art & vinyl: an analytic anthology of artist's records in Switzerland.
Margaret Cavendish - Observations upon Experimental Philosophy
bilingual edition (English / French)
Four texts about the sky by Margaret Cavendish (1623-1673), English aristocrat, writer, philosopher and scientist whose salon was home to Descartes, Hobbes and Gassendi, precursor of feminism and author of one of the first works of science fiction.
Camille Dumond - Entretiens pour un film 1 - The Filming, not the film
bilingual edition (English / French)
A reflection on an escape from the public sphere starting from a visit of Derek Jarman's house.
Pacôme Thiellement - The Age of Technicians
bilingual edition (English / French)
The two authors of this publication, each by means of their own specific medium, question the relation of humanity to digital technologies. In his text, Pacôme Thiellement describes the digital alienation to come; Lauren Huret's collages revisits the time when personal computers entered the domestic space.
Yoan Mudry - Loops - The future is wild / To loop the loop
French edition
This collective publication questions the literary strategies at stake in the work of visual artist Yoan Mudry.
 Kim Seob Boninsegni - Hwabyeong
French edition
A three-part fiction relating the daily lives of characters at the beginning of our century: the artist alternates reality and fiction, developing themes at work in his visual practice. As usual, the author involves a series of contributors.
Sylvain Menétrey - Semiospace - A Spaced Out Artistic Experiment
bilingual edition (English / French)
This publication is part of an artistic and performative project conceived by artist Raphaële Bidault-Waddington and critic Sylvain Menétrey. Part poetic neologism, part scientific concept, the semiospace, as a linguistic creation, seems to mirror Bidault-Waddington's practice—the creation of hybrid objects at once cognitive models borrowed from science, and exuberant fictions.
Ilya Prigogine - Temps à devenir - À propos de l\'histoire du temps
French edition
currently out of stock
Transcript of a lecture given at the Musée de la Civilisation, Québec, in 1993, in which the scientist Ilya Prigogine suggests an understanding of time that isn't just a measuring variable but a real dimension whose most fertile property would be its irreversibility.
Screamscape - Institut international de recherche sur le cri
French edition
This broadsheet publication documents and extends the investigations initiated during the first edition of Screamscape, an informal international institute of creation and research on screaming.
Rob van Leijsen - Copy, Tweak, Paste - Methods of appropriation in re-enacted artists\' books
bilingual edition (English / French)
sold out
An essay on the modes of re-enactments, appropriation or reinterpretations of artists' books.

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