
Founded in 1978, Jannink Editions turned to contemporary art in the early 1990s with a new concept: giving artists a voice. Rather than specialist writings, it is now directly the actors of the artistic scene who explain their works.
Bringing together the greatest names in contemporary art—Christo, Gilbert & George, Antonio Saura, Baselitz, Panamarenko, Villeglé, Arman, Opalka, Soto, Adami…—Jannink Editions publish, along with their writings, an original signed work included in the books in bibliophile editions.
At the same time, they publish collections of prints, offering artists the opportunity to try their hand at imposed themes, as well as works of photography.
Multiple x multiple
French edition
An investigation of the multiple in art, through the works of some thirty artists.
Philippe Jaffeux - Éveils
French edition
An artist's book by experimental poet Philippe Jaffeux that plays with images, letters and layout in the spirit of Lettrism.
Alain de La Bourdonnaye - Peintre, graveur, artisan-architecte du livre, typographe, imprimeur et bâtisseur (3 volume box set)
French edition
Three-volume catalogue raisonné of the work of Alain de la Bourdonnaye.
Jean-Pierre Raynaud - Guernica / Ukraine
French edition
A complete light on the unpublished work given by Jean-Pierre Raynaud to Ukraine, a modern version of Picasso's Guernica, a universal symbol of the denunciation by art of the horrors of war, whose exact monumental dimensions the French conceptual artist now takes up in order to realize, almost a century later, the counterpart according to his own aesthetic codes.
Adrien Abline - Décomptes
French edition
An epistemology of multiple forms of counted time in contemporary artistic productions, between art, sociology, history and philosophy.
Guillaume Robillard - Conquête de l\'espace et du temps - Le cinéma antillais
French edition
An analysis of Caribbean film production.
French edition
Various approaches (historical, philosophical, psychoanalytical, but also artistic) on the experience of confinement, from incarceration to sanitary lockdown.
 ORLAN - « Les femmes qui pleurent sont en colère » par femme avec tête(s)
French edition
ORLAN hybridizes fragments of her face with portraits of Dora Maar, Picasso's companion.
Peter Klasen - Une œuvre en responsabilité - Œuvre de 1959 > 2021
French edition
Reference monograph: a selection of 320 works, 30 texts and interviews, 150 archive photographs.
 Ida Tursic & Wilfried Mille - Naked - Female
currently out of stock
The female nude by Ida Tursic & Wilfried Mille (signed serigraph printed at 120 copies).
 Ida Tursic & Wilfried Mille - Naked - Male
The male nude by Ida Tursic & Wilfried Mille (signed serigraph printed at 120 copies).
Fieldwork Marfa Texas USA - Ten Years of Art Experiments
English edition
The ten years of activity of the international program of research, experimentation, and artistic and pedagogical residencies devoted to questions of artistic community, art in public space, landscape and the political issues of borders, territories and migrations, in Marfa, Texas, a mythical place that has become a veritable artistic laboratory.
Fieldwork Marfa Texas USA - Dix ans d\'expérimentations artistiques
French edition
The ten years of activity of the international program of research, experimentation, and artistic and pedagogical residencies devoted to questions of artistic community, art in public space, landscape and the political issues of borders, territories and migrations, in Marfa, Texas, a mythical place that has become a veritable artistic laboratory.
Iglika Christova - Art & Microbiologie
French edition
Art & microbiology: an essay on the critical, ethical and historical dimensions that result from the entry of microorganisms into the creative process, between art and science.
Art et mathématiques - Modélisations mathématiques et transformations artistiques des données du réel
French edition
Since 2015, Yann Toma and Antoine Mandel have been bringing artists and mathematicians together at the Sorbonne. From these encounters between the two extremes of the conceptual were born the texts presented here which highlight new forms of creation, representation and action on the real.
Noor van der Brugge - Freud\'s Cigars
English ed.
In a refreshing and playful way this visual poem investigates freedom and circles around Freud's flight from Vienna to London in 1939.
Noor van der Brugge - Freud\'s Cigars
French edition (texts in English)
In a refreshing and playful way this visual poem investigates freedom and circles around Freud's flight from Vienna to London in 1939.
15 avril 2019 - Visions d\'artistes
French edition
44 international artists deliver their vision of the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris.
Jacques Attali - Éditoriaux du Journal des Arts - 2017-2018
French edition
Jacques Attali's chronicles on art.
Olivier Debré - Norge - Un voyage en Norvège
no text
Facsimile edition of a 1971 small sketchbook by a major painter of the lyrical abstraction, made during one of his many travels in Norway.
Jean-Philippe Pernot - Au dernier voile de sable
French edition
Au dernier voile de sable is a long erotic and learned poem which evoques the Greek mythology, written by Jean-Philippe Pernot, photographer and film maker, illustrated by the reproductions of black and white surrealistic prints which represents bodies and bones, made by the young artist Hélène Damville.
Daniel Spoerri - Cent ans sans sang !
bilingual edition (German / French)
Celebrating the 100th title in the “L'art en écrit” series, this leporello by Daniel Spoerri plays on the homonyms of the word “cent,” as a tribute to Marx Ernst.
Pierre Giquel - Les Géographies irrégulières
French edition
A selection of 175 texts by the writer, art critic and teacher at the school of Fine Arts of Nantes, Pierre Giquel, summerizing for the first time nearly 35 years of an intense and profuse literary activity. This voluminous publication is comprised of a folded poster dust jacket with watercolors by Fabrice Hyber.
Daniel Spoerri - Cent ans sans sang ! - Limited edition
bilingual edition (German / French)
Celebrating the 100th title in the “L'art en écrit” series, Daniel Spoerri plays on the homonyms of the word “cent,” as a tribute to Marx Ernst. Published as a leporello, this artist's book features an original artwork signed by the artist.
Christian Globensky - Comment on devient Bouddha - selon Nietzsche
French edition
This manual of aesthetics, tinted with humour, provides the key to a happy existence through the unexpected combination of the philosophies of Buddha and Nietzsche.
Isabelle Champion Métadier - Rush
bilingual edition (English / French)
A striking selection of words extracted from the notebooks of Isabelle Champion Métadier during a journey in New York. These quotes are arranged and accompanied by unpublished photographs.
Jean-Pierre Raynaud - L\'Art à perpétuité
French edition
Collection of handwritten sentences revealing a lesser-known side of Jean-Pierre Raynaud's personality and of his relationship to art.
François Michaud - Martin Jannink
French edition
Monograph dedicated to painter Martin Jannink by François Michaud, curator at Paris Museum of Modern Art. The rare and remarkable painting of the French-Dutch artist is figurative, both romantic and expressionist, full of melancholia, out of present time, with a delicate and disturbing strongness. The publication also documents Jannink's participation in the 1956 Budapest insurrection.
Isabelle Champion Métadier - Rush - Limited edition
bilingual edition (English / French)
A striking selection of words extracted from the notebooks of Isabelle Champion Métadier during a journey in New York. These quotes are arranged and accompanied by unpublished photographs, with an original artwork signed by the artist.
Jean-Pierre Raynaud - L\'Art à perpétuité - Limited edition
French edition
Collection of handwritten sentences revealing a lesser-known side of Jean-Pierre Raynaud's personality and of his relationship to art, with an original collage signed by the artist.
Claude Lévêque - Parler à un mouton
French edition
A collection of previously unpublished texts and drawings (artist's book).
Claude Lévêque - Parler à un mouton - Limited edition
French edition
A collection of previously unpublished texts and drawings, with an original artwork signed by the artist (artist's book).
William Kentridge - Stop Here
English edition
Notebook from the South African artist featuring fountain pen's drawings and writings with inserted typescripts.
William Kentridge - Stop Here - Limited edition
English edition
Limited edition of the notebook from the South African artist featuring fountain pen's drawings and writings with inserted typescripts, and an original work, numbered and signed, printed on various formats (1920's coal mining register, books pages, card stock).
Alain Séchas - Arty Charade
French edition
A set of charades invented by Alain Séchas and illustrated with original drawings.
Juliette Laffon - Hajdu
French edition
Richly illustrated publication recounting the life of French sculptor Étienne Hajdu.
Alain Séchas - Arty Charade - Limited edition
French edition
A set of charades invented by Alain Séchas and illustrated with original drawings, with an original artwork signed by the artist.
Barthélémy Toguo - L\'Appel de Dakar
bilingual edition (English / French)
Barthélémy Toguo's address to the African Ministers of Culture for a better recognition of art and African artists on the Continent.
Barthélémy Toguo - L\'Appel de Dakar - Limited edition
bilingual edition (English / French)
Barthélémy Toguo's address to the African Ministers of Culture for a better recognition of art and African artists on the Continent, with an original artwork signed by the artist.
L\'Île  au trésor - ou la saga des Mengin
French edition
The big book of the LAC (Lieu d'Art Contemporain), the first private cultural center of the Reunion Island and an essential artistic place in the Indian Ocean.
Joan Rabascall - La leçon de peinture catalane / La llicó de pintura catalana
bilingual edition (Catalan / French)
Publication based on the eponymous series of works (“The Catalan painting lesson”, a devious and ironic presentation of traditional standards of academic painting), with an interview and commissioned essays by Brigitte Léal and Pierre Restany.
Matthieu Laurette - Random (Demix)
texts in English and French
An artist's book based on excerpts and quotes from Matthieu Laurette's interviews, randomly arranged.
Matthieu Laurette - Random (Demix) - Limited edition
French edition
An artist's book based on excerpts and quotes from Matthieu Laurette's interviews, randomly arranged, with an original artwork signed by the artist.
Open Sky Museum
French edition
Awena Cozannet - Tenir le fil
French edition
First monograph.
Loris Gréaud - Interzone - The Unplayed Notes Museum
bilingual edition (English / French)
A notebook that combines text and collages to trace the imaginary history of the natural history museum created by Loris Gréaud at the Dallas Contemporary.
Loris Gréaud - Interzone - Copy - The Unplayed Notes Museum – Limited edition
bilingual edition (English / French)
A notebook that combines text and collages to trace the imaginary history of the natural history museum created by Loris Gréaud at the Dallas Contemporary. Limited edition accompanied by a real butterfly, on black cardboard, unique piece.
Rudy Ricciotti - En vain
French edition
A compilation of Rudy Ricciotti's opinion pieces about 59 artists and personalities.

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