les presses du réel

EntretiensPerspectives contemporaines sur les publications d'artistes

Jérôme Dupeyrat - Entretiens
Contemporary perspectives on artists' publications (twenty-three interviews with twenty-five artists who make publishing an artistic practice).
Interviews with Laurence Aëgerter, Pierre-Olivier Arnaud, Ludovic Burel, Claude Closky, Daniel Gustav Cramer, documentation céline duval, Ben Kinmont, Sharon Kivland, Stéphane Le Mercier, antoine lefebvre editions, Sara MacKillop, Mazaccio & Drowilal (Élise Mazac & Robert Drowilal), Jonathan Monk, Julien Nédélec & Éric Watier, Camila Oliveira Fairclough, Michalis Pichler, Hubert Renard, Joachim Schmid, Yann Sérandour, David Shrigley, Derek Sullivan, Batia Suter, and Nick Thurston.
Jérôme Dupeyrat is the author of a doctoral thesis devoted to artists' books. His activities, often collective (L'agence du doute, BAT éditions and <o> future <o>, La Bibliothèque grise) include research, criticism, publishing, curating and teaching.
published in January 2018
French edition
18,5 x 22,5 cm (softcover)
320 pages (b/w ill.)
ISBN : 978-2-914291-78-1
EAN : 9782914291781
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