Florence Grundeler

Florence Grundeler is a French visual artist born in 1968. A sinophone with a deep interest in Chinese culture, she also nurtered her learning during stays in Brazil and Argentina. In installations, engravings and, above all, canvases traversed by threads and ink, this adept of matter brings space and emptiness to life, in order to better understand the lines that flash and emerge from it. Trained in landscape rather than in artistic image, she asserts the need for a minimum of blankness in the way she works. Significantly calling her studio "l'Entre" (" The Between") , the artist confirms her desire to delve into the margins, the gaps, allowing a few possibilities to emerge, in the freedom, instinct or awkwardness that lead somewhere else.

(external link : www.florencegrundeler.com)
Florence Grundeler - Entre
bilingual edition (English / French)
Immédiats / Analogues - Monographs
A survey of Florence Grundeler's work, structured according to the different media (canvas, paper, steel, installation) that form the pillars of her artistic development, with two essays.

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