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Play-Back d'EdenMonologue d'une artiste face à un primate naturalisé

Gloria Friedmann - Play-Back  d\'Eden
Gloria Friedmann writes about the main questions raised by its work: nature, animal kingdom and ecology; work and war, the origins of mankind and art.
Born in 1950 in Kronach, Germany, Gloria Friedmann lives and works in Aignay-le-Duc and Paris, France.
published in 2003
French edition
12,5 x 21 cm (softcover)
48 pages (b/w ill.)
ISBN : 978-2-90246-287-2
EAN : 9782902462872
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Play-Back  d'Eden Play-Back  d'Eden Play-Back  d'Eden Play-Back  d'Eden Play-Back  d'Eden Play-Back  d'Eden

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