Tombolo Presses

Tombolo Presses is a publishing house sensitive to visual culture and all things graphic design. Founded and directed by teachers Thierry Chancogne and Florence Aknin, Tombolo Presses is supported by a renewed community of friends, partners and students.
Artistes typographes
French edition
currently out of stock
A visual corpus that brings together one hundred and thirty-two artists' books collected and reproduced as part of an artistic residency conducted at the Centre des livres d'artistes (Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche).
Camille Richert - Parents Must Unite + Fight - Hackney Flashers: Agitprop, Labor and Socialist Feminism in England
bilingual edition (English / French)
The first monograph dedicated to the Hackney Flashers collective, a group of nine activist women who engaged in agitprop from 1974 to 1980 in the working-class neighborhood of Hackney in London.
Eva Taulois - Paravents
bilingual edition (English / French)
First monograph: an exploration of the thought of the exhibition in relation to its spaces, contexts, and encounters.
Lalie Thébault Maviel - Notre pain quotidien
no text
An edition like an archaeology of our more or less contemporary iconography of bread. A lacunary and subjective encyclopedia that reflects its presence in our lives and its political, social, economic, and aesthetic evolutions (artist's book).
José Loureiro - Croque-couleur
French edition
An overview of the radical universe and pictorially committed Portuguese painter José Loureiro’s work.
Christophe Lemaitre - A letter
French edition
An adaptation of the eponymous Christophe Lemaitre's film: a hypothesis, that of language considered as a parasite for the bodies which give birth to it.
Marie Preston - Inventer l\'école, penser la co-création
French edition
A publication by artist and teacher-researcher Marie Preston on the alternative pedagogies developed in France during the 1970s-1990s in "open" schools working on the question of the relationship between co-creation and co-education.
The Artificial Kid
French edition
Publication based on a cycle of exhibitions and events conceived by curator and art critic Elsa Vettier, inspired by the narrative arc of Bruce Sterling's 1980 science fiction novel of the same name, around questions of visibility, artificiality, control, surveillance, seduction and disappearance.
The Essayer
bilingual edition (English / French)
An editoeducational project by Ensba Lyon, Ravisius Textor, Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey & The Serving Library, & 019 Ghent.
Pierre-Olivier Arnaud - Dans l\'espace : poussières, points, trames et chatoiements - L\'image prototype, restes et promesses
bilingual edition (English / French)
Under a title in the form of an inventory that could list as many photographic subjects, this book exhaustively documents Pierre-Olivier Arnaud's work since the early 2000s.
Camille Azaïs - Homemakers
French edition
(last copies available!)
The first published fiction text by art critic and author Camille Azaïs, which questions the return to the home of American women since the 2010s.
Éric Tabuchi - Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu
French edition
An attempt to explain the reason for the dimensions of a photographic image, of a print (the book is illustrated with works from the collection of the FRACs of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region laid out in their respective scale ratios).
Thierry Chancogne - Le Gobelet de cristal
French edition
A search for the founding narratives of graphic design and typography (as there were such narratives in antiquity about art, painting, and sculpture) among Atlantist type designers of the 1930s, starting with the American typographer Beatrice Warde.
Patrice Carré - Loin hop
French edition
First monograph.
Lauren Tortil - Une généalogie des grandes oreilles
bilingual edition (English / French)
Une généalogie des grandes oreilles is the result of an iconographic research conducted by artist Lauren Tortil over the past three years on what she calls “Big Ears”: these military surveillance devices that call upon mediated listening – an increased listening through a mediator, such as a tool, an instrument, an architecture, a system, etc.—and that the modern man has relentlessly improved with the purpose of anticipating potential dangers.
Kevin Desbouis - A Long List Of Safe Words - (A.L.L.O.S.W)

French edition
A compilation of texts, poems and stories whose title is borrowed from the safe words used in BDSM practices.
Christophe Lemaitre - Deux pierres retrouvées d\'Amedeo Modigliani
French edition
An interpretative study of a catalogue published on the occasion of the discovery of two sculptures in the canal of Livorno in 1984. Attributed to Modigliani, these sculptures were, in fact, a student hoax.
French edition
A retrospective of the work of one of the first artist-run spaces in Paris, offering an overall reflection on the emerging conditions of independent and collective spaces, and the way they have impacted the institutional and art scene.
Guillaume Pinard - Du Fennec au Sahara
bilingual edition (English / French)
First monograph.
bilingual edition (English / French)
This publication celebrates 10 years of Poptronics, a French online media dedicated to net-culture: net-art, video games, music and sound art, hacktivism, post-digital art… For its tenth anniversary, Poptronics brought up a collective archive of its materials, revisited by the French digital art scene.
Léna Araguas - Nouvelles de l\'Ouest
French edition
Epistolary portrait of a seaman by his daughter (artist's book).
Simple Gift
bilingual edition (English / French)
A visual  sprechgesang opera by Florent Dubois arranged by officeabc, with a libretto by Jill Gasparina, Stephen Knott, Aurèle Nourisson, Joël Riff, and Guiral & Domingues.
Par nos propres efforts - Documenter, lire, opérer et montrer les « manières de faire »
French edition
An educational investigation on the relationship between design and techniques.
Christophe Jacquet - Bienvenue
bilingual edition (English / French)
currently out of stock
Bienvenue intends to bring back to life the forgotten story of the publication of Pour Jean Sénac, a book dedicated to gay poet and Algerian nationalist Jean Sénac. This edition gathers old and contemporary documents by graphic designer Christophe Jacquet on the project, and features a long conversation between Jacquet and Thierry Chancogne.
Sarah Vadé - Boy
no text
Anthology of selected commercial ads published within the US Playboy from 1960 to 2003, Boy constitutes a visual commentary on the normative representations of desire and on the masculine consumer's ideal of life at the end of the 20th century.
Arthur Fouray - Screen
English edition
Artist book whose title embodies the aesthetical research led by Arthur Fouray on the shift between painting and the cinematographic experience. The publication alternates a series of painting/serigraphy on cushions and textual and typographical experimentation.
Sarah Tritz -
French edition
First catalogue devoted to French artist Sarah Tritz, whose work is characterized by a multidisciplinary approach (sculpture, painting, collage, drawing). With texts by Claire Moulène and Paul Bernard, as well as an interview with the artist by Sandra Patron and Franck Balland.
La fille, le fruit, le perroquet et la piqûre à cheval
French edition
An overview of the contemporary state of print design.
Pour des écoles d\'art féministes !
French edition
sold out
A collective manifesto for feminist art schools.
Anthologie Aires de jeux au Japon
French edition
sold out
A landscape of Japanese playgrounds, at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, design, pedagogy and contemporary art.
Ce que l\'édition fait à l\'art - Extraits d\'une collection
French edition
sold out
This exhibition catalogue offers a thorough examination of the artist's book as both an artistic and editorial medium. Focusing on the collection by Jean-Paul Guy, the publication presents 68 artists' books by the likes of Ed Ruscha, Dieter Roth, Michael Snow, and Robert Barry.
Christophe Lemaitre - The Life and Death of Works of Art
bilingual edition (English / French)
sold out
A collection of stories and of theoretical texts focusing on the modalities of existence of artworks, starting with a collection of items that used to be works of art.
Remi Parcollet - Postdocument (Reader)
texts in English and French
sold out
This reader brings together the first 8 issues of Postdocument, the magazine on exhibition photography.

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