journals & magazines
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Scoli Acosta, Art and Technology, Artists and Workers, Artists from the Margins, Adriano Costa, Mati Diop, Gavin Kenyon, Josh Kline, Museum of Malware, Outsider Art, Vanessa Place, Laura Poitras, Radicalism and Abstract Art, Ariana Reines, Resistance to Symbols, Rachel Rose, Richard Sides, Lucien Smith, Storing Memories, Thinking Contemporary Exhibitions, Matt Wolf...
Azimuts - Animal
texts in English and French
The 39th issue of the design research journal is dedicated to the animal.
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Jonas Kocher, Guy Girard, Tetsuo Furudate, Festival Densités, PaaLabRes, a history of musical destructions by Matthieu Saladin (part 3)...
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Le MasToc / groupe artistique Les Pas Perdus / Hubert Duprat / Georges Rousse / Yvan Salomone / Paz Corona / Katinka Lampe / Bernard Borgeaud...
Bulletins of The Serving Library
English edition
Bulletins of The Serving Library
Conceived while in residency at the library of the Goethe-Institut New York, this issue of Bulletins of The Serving Library used the context of the hosting institution as a thematic starting point. Germany, and often the author's specific relationship to the German language, is the unifying thread that unites these diverse pieces.
La Tranchée Racine
no text
La Tranchée Racine
La Tranchée Racine's new special issue (12 pages / 12 authors).
Kaleidoscope - Summer 2013 – Post-i-Meta-Hyper-Materiality
English edition
9.00 6.00 €
Summer issue, highlighting Andra Ursuta, Shanzhai Biennial, Sergei Tcherepnin, Yngve Holen and Petrit Halilaj; investigating an updated notion of materiality; exploring the curatorial practice of Massimiliano Gioni; featuring regulars, tips, and three special inserts.
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
The experimental scene in Cairo, radio studios in Warsaw, PaaLabRes, a history of musical destructions by Matthieu Saladin (part 2), Sandra Remski's writings during live shows, the retro-krautrock-mania...
John Baldessari - Initiales - Initiales J.B.
French edition
Issue dedicated to John Baldessari.
bilingual edition (English / French)
John Rajchman / François Cusset / Paul Sztulman with Jean-François Chevrier / Stefan Germer / Ingrid Luche / Nicolas Ceccaldi / Tom McDonough / Clara Schulmann / André Rottmann on John Knight / Clément Auriel / Wade Guyton.
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Et la Chine s'est éveillée... / Marie-Agnès Charpin / Jeanne Susplugas / De la peinture, dans tous les sens... / Let's Talk (Again) About Painting / Christian Jaccard / Sylvain Ameil / Ça ne fait que commencer... / Les Ateliers du Plessix-Madeuc.
bilingual edition (English / French)
This issue of the magazine of Palais de Tokyo underlines the importance of the recently defined curator figure and sheds light upon current exhibition practices he developed (360 pages, including a special issue of the American journal on curatorial practices and exhibition making The Exhibitionist)
Inter - Poésie autre
French edition
Inter, art actuel
A transversal survey of various forms and practices of contemporary poetry (experimental, performative, digital, sound poetry, etc.), on the occasion of the magazine's 35th year anniversary.
Cura. - Spring-Summer 2013

English edition
Lorenzo Benedetti on Lucy R. Lippard, Vincent Honoré and Krist Gruijthuijsen, Jean-Max Colard, Stefan Brüggemann, Raimar Stange on Poul Gernes, Will Rogan, Sean Edwards, Ann Cathrin November Høibo, Niels Trannois et Alexis Vaillant, Sara Barker, Gabriele De Santis, G. Küng...
Volume – What You See Is What You Hear
bilingual edition (English / French)
Volume – What You See Is What You Hear
18.00 10.00 €
Volume #6 explores the production spaces and other soundscapes, through the works of Marie Cool Fabio Balducci, Martin Kersels, Raymond Gervais, Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller or Dan Peterman, Marcel Broodthaers' performance at Speakers' Corner, and Audio Arts magazine. With special interventions by Arnaud Maguet and Cocktail Designers.
Bulletins of The Serving Library
English edition
Bulletins of The Serving Library
Devised by Stuart Bailey, Lars Bang Larsen, Angie Keefer, and David Reinfurt, this bulletin is based on Larsen's just-completed PhD dissertation at the University of Copenhagen, A History of Irritated Material: Psychedelic Concepts in Neo-Avantgarde Art. The idea was to contrive a popular version of his academic thesis by editing it psychedelically.
Le Dictateur
no text
Le Dictateur
After three years of waiting, perhaps the most beautiful issue of Le Dictateur, with twenty series of specially commissioned works by international artists and some astonishing features: an editorial tour de force, between artists' magazine, book-object and paper sculpture.
Gabriel Sierra - Peep-Hole Sheet - Batería
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / Italian)
Peep-Hole Sheet
A selection of notes written by Gabriel Sierra from 2007 to 2011.
Volume! - Contre-cultures II – Utopies, dystopies, anarchie
texts in English and French
Volume! – The French journal of popular music studies
Utopias, dystopias, and anarchy in the Sixties counterculture and popular music. Plus a special feature on heavy-metal studies.
Roven - Spring-Summer 2013
French edition
A special issue devoted to artists' research notebooks (works by Henri Jacobs, William Anastasi, Chloe Piene, Alexandre Leger, Jean Azémard, Camille Bondon, Christoph Fink, Matthieu Cossé, Manon Bellet, Raphaël Zarka, Diogo Pimentão, Alina Szapocznikow...).
texts in English and French
Alex Israel, Rem Koolhaas, Bertrand Lavier, Rosemarie Trockel, 13th Venice Architecture Biennale, Documenta 13, Jeff Koons, Pierre Huyghe, Ed Ruscha, Bret Easton Ellis, Melanie Griffith, Joseph Logan, Alan Vega...
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Esther Ferrer, PaaLabRes, Eric Cordier, Le 102 in Grenoble, Lionel Marchetti, a history of musical destructions by Matthieu Saladin...
bilingual edition (English / French)
Julio Le Parc, “New impressions of Raymond Roussel”, François Curlet, Daniel Dewar & Grégory Gicquel, Joachim Koester, Evariste Richer...
Peeping Tom\'s Digest - Beirut
English edition
Peeping Tom's Digest
A mapping of the young Lebanese art scene.
Peeping Tom\'s Digest - Beirut (+ DVD)
English edition
Peeping Tom's Digest
A mapping of the young Lebanese art scene (DVD included).
Inter - Animalités
French edition
Inter, art actuel
currently out of stock
The relationship to the animal in contemporary art.
Cura. - Winter 2013
English edition
The contemporary arts magazine focusing on emerging artists and curators, in the inaugural issue of its new formula (with Oliver Osborne, Alexander Dorner, James Langdon, Anthony Huberman, Eszter Steierhoffer / Candida Höfer, Luca Francesconi, Bettina Buck, Mark Barrow, Aurélien Froment & Julien Fronsacq, Laura Reeves, Roger Van Voorhees...).
The Drawer - Funny Games
French edition (texts in English and French)
The Drawer
Drawings by Marc Bauer, Berdaguer & Péjus, Jonas Delaborde, Richard Fauguet, Akira Horikawa, Martinet & Texereau, Mika Rottenberg, Jérôme Zonder...
Espace(s) - La différence
French edition
21 texts on the notion of difference in the context of the outer space, the notebooks of the artists and writers in residence at the French Space Agency and an interview with Brazilian artist Eduardo Kac.
Tacet - Experimentation As Questioning
bilingual edition (English / French)
2nd issue of the experimental music annual review, around the question of experimentation in music.
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Ghislain Botto, Grégory Boutière, Charles Cuccu, Émilie Renault / Niek van de Steeg / Bertrand Gadenne / André Léocat / Didier Mencoboni / Béatrice Cussol / Danse ces corps images / Résonnances / Moussa Sarr / Babeth Rambault / Nikolas Fouré / Mathieu Lehanneur / Sandra Plantiveau, Sandra Schmalz, Antonio Finelli / Thomas Bernardet...
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Apo33 – Julien Ottavi, Zak Cammoun, Yan Jun, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Joris Guibert, François Bayle, Kasper Toeplitz...
(SIC) - Alphaville Alfaville – Jean-Luc Godard
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
The reception of Jean-Luc Godard's oeuvre by American visual artists.
La Tranchée Racine
no text
La Tranchée Racine
The King Size graphic newspaper's seventh's issue. With a back cover illustration by Pyon. Four out of four September issues.
Inter - Sexes à bras le corps
French edition
Inter, art actuel
currently out of stock
Special issue dedicated to the question of the presence and treatment of sexuality in contemporary creation.
La Tranchée Racine
no text
La Tranchée Racine
(last copies available!)
La Tranchée Racine's sixth issue. With a back cover illustration by Amandine Urruty. Third out of four September issues.
Cura. - Fall 2012
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
Daniel Gustav Cramer, Alfred H. Barr Jr., Christian Bernard / Mamco, Sophie Calle, Anna Barham, Marie Lund, Isabelle Cornaro, Babak Ghazi, Erik Van Der Wejde, Iris Touliatou...
Kaleidoscope - Fall 2012 – Real Virtual Actual Possible
English edition
9.00 6.00 €
Aleksandra Domanovic, High Line Art, Tri Angle Records, Desire Machine Collective, Sylvia Sleigh, investigating the resurgence of post-humanism, exploring the art of Frank Benson, Liz Magic Laser, Kaleidoscope's regulars, tips and three special inserts.
Roven - Fall-Winter 2012-2013
French edition
Drawing and politics, Lily van der Stokker, Antoine Desailly, Valérie du Chéné, Philip Guston, Guillaume Dégé, Dóra Maurer, William Blake, Frédéric Poincelet, the Martina Yamin collection, Matt Mullican, Bianca Argimon, Claire Chesnier, Jonas Delaborde, Olivier Nottellet and Vincent Brocvielle...
(SIC) - Andy Warhol – To shoe or not to shoe
French edition
15.00 7.50 €
Andy Warhol special issue.
bilingual edition (English / French)
“Imagination Adrift”, Fabrice Hyber, Neïl Beloufa, Damir Očko, Markus Schinwald, Ryan Gander, Helen Marten...
Volume – What You See Is What You Hear
bilingual edition (English / French)
Volume – What You See Is What You Hear
(last copies available!)
18.00 10.00 €
5th issue of the contemporary art journal about sound, devoted to the complex relationships between visual and sound forms (critical texts, historical analysis, interviews, artist's interventions...).
La Tranchée Racine
no text
La Tranchée Racine
(last copies available!)
The fifth delivery of the graphic tabloïd restricted to a mature audience. Second out of four September issues.
Volume! - Contre-cultures I – Théories et scènes
texts in English and French
Volume! – The French journal of popular music studies
Counterculture in popular music: theory & scenes.
The Drawer - Vertigo
French edition (texts in English and French)
The Drawer
Drawings by Dominique A, Catharina van Eetvelde, Jacques Floret, Le Gentil Garçon, Hans Op de Beeck, Didier Rittener, Jacques Villeglé...
Revue & Corrigée
French edition
Revue & Corrigée
Thomas Tilly, 11 paragraphes sur un concert improvisé (Ray Brassier, Jean-Luc Guionnet, Seijiro Murayama, Mattin), Expérience cinéma – Phénoménologie de l'apparition, Wandelweiser...
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Ismaïl Bahri / Joris Van de Moortel / Emilie Franceschin / Frédérique Lucien / Combas & Kijno / Pierre Malphettes / Cod. Act : installations, machines sonores... / Manuel Salvat / John Cornu...
La Tranchée Racine
no text
La Tranchée Racine
Naked, hooded men on a boat, a topless woman, a little boy with a cigarette and other visual disturbances in Tranchée Racine's fourth issue. First out of four September issues.
Stream - After-Office
bilingual edition (English / French)
After Office, the second issue of Stream, addresses the conflicts of the evolution of our work conditions, now greatly modified, with contributions by international thinkers, artists, designers and architects.
texts in English and French
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Richard Phillips, Philippe Parreno, Willem de Rooij, Camille Henrot, Kirsten Everberg, Laurent Grasso, Davide Belula, Rob Pruitt, Fabrice Gygi, Ida Tursic & Wilfried Mille, Sturtevant, Joachim Koester, Peter Halley, Luigi Ontani, Andreas Gursky, Haim Steinbach, Sol LeWitt, Gerhard Richter, Guy Debord...

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