Art & medias / information / communication / media studies

Samuel Etienne - Bricolage Radical - Génie et  banalité des fanzines do-it-yourself
French edition
sold out
A panorama of the world of do-it-yourself fanzines.
John Baldessari - Learning To Read with John Baldessari
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
A portrait of the artist as an inspiring teacher: this publication focuses on Baldessari's practice at the intersection between pedagogy and art. Visually organized in alphabetical order, Learning To Read features essays, artworks, a chronology, and personal insights on Baldessari's teaching and influence by a group of the artist's former students and CalArts collaborators such as Ashley Bickerton, Liz Craft, Meg Cranston, Matt Mullican, and Tony Oursler.
Sven Sachsalber - A B BC
English edition
sold out
A B BC is an artist book by Sven Sachsalber which collects 150 collages made in the last five years out of the notorious Artforum's back advertising covers of Bruno Bischofberger Gallery.
Philippe Parreno - H {n)y p n(y} osis / Hypothesis
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
sold out
Produced in conjunction with two exhibitions, this monograph offers a rich critical overview of Parreno's work, with essays by Cyril Béghin, Molly Nesbit, Brian O'Doherty and Adam Thirlwell, and two interviews with Hans Ulrich Obrist and Andrea Lissoni. An invaluable research tool for studying one of the most influential and charismatic figures on the contemporary art scene.
Piotr Uklański - Real Nazis
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
sold out
This artist's book compiles true propaganda photographs of the Third Reich with stills from actors playing Nazis in Hollywood movies: a radical commentary on our alarming present condition, in which the lines between populist and fascistic politics are increasingly blurring.
Francis McKee - How to Know What\'s Really Happening
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
In this post-truth era, how does one navigate the endless information available and choose a viable narrative of reality? In How to Know What's Really Happening Glasgow-based writer and curator Francis McKee looks at various techniques for determining verity, from those of spy agencies and whistle-blowers to mystics and scientists.
Caméra(Auto)Contrôle (+ 2 books)
bilingual edition (English / French)
CPG (Centre de la photographie Genève)
sold out
Exhibition Guide from the Triennal 50JPG 2016 – 50 Days for Photography in Geneva, accompanied by the two artist's books published on the occasion of the exhibitions, Giacomo Bianchetti – Bilderberg 2015 et Sébastien Reuzé – Indian Springs (bundle).
Michael Snow - Music For Piano, Whistling, Microphone And Tape Recorder (2 vinyl LP)
Song Cycle Records
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A collection of musical works from the seventies by the Canadian multidisciplinary artist.
Tony Oursler - Imponderable - The Archives of Tony Oursler
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
sold out
The artist's own archive of phantasmagoria: a unique collection of objects and ephemera relating to magic, the paranormal, occultism, pseudoscience, technology as well as their cultural and media portrayals (new edition).
 Metahaven - Black Transparency - The Right to Know in the Age of Mass Surveillance
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
Built by the design collective Metahaven, the project Black Transparency questions how information is organized globally and what role the concept of transparency occupies within it. This book engages transparency's junctions with design, architecture, and pop culture through Metahaven's research on technology, structures of information, networks and the Internet.
Petra Cortright - Niki, Lucy, Lola, Viola
English edition
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Niki, Lucy, Lola, Viola collects screenshots of a desktop-performance made by Petra Cortright where virtual erotic dancers perform on various backgrounds. As a result, the pages of the book look like continuous digital collages; synthetic and painterly landscapes populated by the strippers posing for the viewer.
Olaf Holzapfel - The Technology of the Land / Die Technik des Landes
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
New monograph.
Dieter Mersch - Epistemologies of Aesthetics
English edition
Diaphanes - Think Art
sold out
A pioneering study in which professor of media theory Dieter Mersch paves the way for a methodology of aesthetics that would move beyond the “linguistic turn” to create a new scientific discourse that would create a better conceptual understanding of art-based research.
Simon Denny - New Management
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
sold out
Artist's book.
Aesthetic Politics in Fashion
English edition
Sternberg Press - Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
sold out
Aesthetic Politics in Fashion outlines critical studies in the present cross-sections of fashion, art, politics, and global capitalism.
Seth Price - Peep-Hole Sheet - OK, Just Send Me the Bill
English edition
Peep-Hole Sheet
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
sold out
A “fictionalized adaptation” taken from the audio of Seth Price's Digital Video Effect: “Spills.”
Carolee Schneemann - Then and Now - Œuvres d\'Histoire
bilingual edition (English / French)
Immédiats / Analogues - Monographs
sold out
A new reading of the work of a major American and international artist, well known for her depictions of the female body, of society's attitude to women and particularly for her pioneering work as a performance and video artist in the cause of feminism, in the context of artists' reactions to major world issues and a return of the historical genre in art today, underlining her unflagging commitment to the recording of history as it happens.
Raimundas Malašauskas - Paper Exhibition - Selected Writings
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
sold out
An anthology of writings by curator and writer Raimundas Malašauskas.
Akram Zaatari - A Conversation with an Imagined Israeli Filmmaker Named Avi Mograbi
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
An imaginary conversation between two filmmakers that evokes memories from the conflicts between Israel and Lebanon, and the way the memory and the testimony inevitably mix fiction and documentary.
Erik Steinbrecher - Halli Galli
no text
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Artist's book based on a series of photos of advertising vitrines around the erotic-dance scene located in Zurich's red-light district.
Michael Snow - Solo Snow
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Fresnoy
sold out
A survey of Canadian multidisciplinary artist's work (photographs, films, video installations, sound works), from 1960 to the present day.
Elad Lassry -
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
First monograph.
Boris Groys - E-flux journal - Going Public
English edition
Sternberg Press - E-flux journal
sold out
A collection of influential essays by Boris Groys.
Seth Price - Price, Seth
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
First monograph, including an essay by Michael Newman as well as Price's own critical take on his practice.
Joseph Grigely - Exhibition Prosthetics
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
An exploration of the artist's use of language and images as a means of representation that further the reach of the real (first of a series engaging with publications as a primary medium of practice, enabling artists to explore the inherent constraints and possibilities of the printed document.
Philippe Parreno - Parade?
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
sold out
A children's book by Philippe Parreno, illustrated by Johan Olander.
Warhol TV
bilingual edition (English / French)
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A giant zap through Warhol's television universe; a journey through the artist's obsessions, his fascinations, his loves, his surprises and fears.
Dawn Mellor -
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
First monograph.
Michel Majerus - If we are dead, so it is
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
sold out
A reconstruction of the book project from the artist's archives.
Basse Def - Partage de données
French edition
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Catalogues
sold out
Exhibition catalogue around art and low resolution in new technologies.
 Ezra Petronio & Suzanne Koller - Selected Works – Subjective Inventory
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
The art of advertising.
Peter Piller - Zeitung
German edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
sold out
More than 2000 illustrations chosen from newspapers: the most complete compilation to date of Peter Piller's collection of found images.
Aude Lehmann - A la mode - The Third Way of Fashion
bilingual edition (English / German)
sold out
What it means to be «à la mode» today.
Permanent Food
no text
Permanent Food
sold out
Alfredo Jaar - La politique des images
bilingual edition (English / French)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
Comprehensive monograph following the development of Alfredo Jaar's work, with texts by Georges Didi-Huberman, Jacques Rancière...
John Baldessari - Films transferred to Video (DVD)
JRP|Editions - Bureau des Videos (DVD)
sold out
Baldessari's cinema works on DVD.
Kelley Walker - The Failever of Judgement
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
The first monograph devoted to these two young American artists.
Permanent Food - Bolotin
no text
Permanent Food
sold out
A large format for this very 60's issue of the digest of magazines, based on the Jakob Bolotin archives.
Jim Shaw - O
French edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
sold out
Documentation of the O-ist religion created by Shaw.
Erik Steinbrecher - Arabesque à gogo
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
sold out
A project by the Swiss artist for his exhibition at Pasqu'Art in Bienne.
Olaf Breuning -
English edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
sold out
The book constitues the first « exhibition » of the drawings by the artist.
Olaf Breuning - Miuze
French edition
JRP|Editions - Artists' books & editions
sold out
Claude Closky - Mon Père
no text
M19 - I.S. (Inventaire Supplémentaire)
sold out
Artist's book: a series of collected photographs, derived from advertisements, referring to the father figure.
Julia Scher - Always There
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
sold out
Always There offers a comprehensive survey of American artist Julia Scher's work. The artist's installations and performances have always featured a complex relation to techno-social control, demonstrating our complicity in the proliferating technologies used to surveil both our physical and virtual identities.
Permanent Food
no text
Permanent Food
sold out
A sad and violent issue, coming after September 11.
Wang Du -
bilingual edition (English / Korean)
Les presses du réel – Contemporary art – Monographs
sold out
Foreword The Rodin Gallery has benn the site of an outstanding series of exhibitions featuring a wide spectrum of contemporary artists and including works such as The Gates of Hell and The Burghers of Calis by modern sculpture's seminal artist and master, Auguste Rodin. Thus it gives us great pleasure to develop for the first time a collaborative work with Le consortium, a leading contemporary art center in France on the occasion of the presentation of Wang Du's Disposable Reality. Wang Du, who was trained as sculptor in China within an academic tradition, works with images taken as readymade from newspapers, magazines and advertisements and transforms these two dimensional media images into three dimensional painted sculptural works with his own masterly skill. Through the information conveyed by articles on politics, economics, society, sports, leisure and fashion the artist expresses his feeling, often in a pointed, satirical manner, about the ordinary and our social reality. In this exhibition I believe there is special meaning in seeing the direct confrontation and dialogue between the works of Rodin, which deal with human emotions and those of Wang Du, which deal with contemporary issues in our daily life with sculptures as a common denominator. The vocabularies of contemporary art have expanded so much that somtimes we have a tendency to consider painting and sculpture to be outmoded media fot artistic expression. However, it is high time to demonstrate that it is not the medium which matters, but how it is used. Ra Hee Hong Lee Director, Samsung Museum of Modern Art
Philippe Parreno - Speech Bubbles
French edition
Les presses du réel – Artists' Writings – Miscellaneous
sold out
An anthology of Parreno's writings.
Permanent Food
no text
Permanent Food
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Permanent Food
no text
Permanent Food
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Jim Shaw - Everything must go
bilingual edition (English / French)
MAMCO - Monographs
sold out
Catalogue accompanying Jim Shaw's first retrospective.

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