
Nadia Vadori-Gauthier - Une minute de danse par jour - 2015-2025 – Dix ans d\'une œuvre pour notre temps
French edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts – Gestes
One minute of dance a day for a decade: a look back at choreographer Nadia Vadori-Gauthier's daily act of poetic resistance, on the edge of situated dance, philosophy and performance.
Dawit L. Petros - Prospetto a Mare
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
The latest chapter of Eritrea-born artist Dawit L. Petros's long-term investigation of the impact of Italian colonialism and its subsequent imprint on the visual cultures, populations and built environments of Africa, Europe and North America.
Espace art actuel - Mournings
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
Artistic expressions of mourning.
Mark Templeton - Two Verses (vinyl LP)
Canadian experimental artist Mark Templeton revisits and revives his sound archives with Andrew Pekler.
Crys Cole - Making Conversation (vinyl LP)
Black Truffle
Crys Cole's third solo release for the Black Truffle label, Making Conversation documents a different facet of her work, presenting three rigorously conceptualised commissioned pieces, each of which extend her signature approach to highly amplified small sounds into new directions.
Espace art actuel - Birds
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
What art owes to birds.
 Pangea De Futura - War Milk (vinyl LP)
Sub Rosa
The debut studio album from the Montreal supergroup Pangea de Futura, an octet that has been exploring since 2019, the many ways of—slowly—constructing massive textural musical shapes and droning tribal post-rock ambiances.
Espace art actuel - Building
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
With the theme "Building," this issue is interested in the future of architecture as a practice of creating housing for the living within urban agglomerations. It questions the ways architecture, as the creation of living spaces, always requires collaboration with several participants including, hopefully, the users.
Nadia Belerique - Body In Trouble
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
A poetics of perception, between sculpture, architectural installations and photography.
Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf - Mauvaises herbes
French edition
Le laps
A new literary work by Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf, Mauvaises herbes is an alphabetical list of undesirable plants, a poetic lexicon of Quebec flora, where composite and colorful terms accumulate in an incessant enumeration.
Marie-Douce St-Jacques - Une entrée
French edition
Le laps
A cinephilic, emotional and memorial journey: page after page of cinema tickets—exhumed from the past, preserved until now and published here for tomorrow—retrace fragments of artist Marie-Douce St-Jacques' cinephilic itinerary, and tell the story of a discreet struggle against oblivion and indifference.
Aurel Schmidt - Trash Dolls 2
no text
Aurel Schmidt's drawings.
Espace art actuel - Odours
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
Odour as an artistic medium.
Maude Léonard-Contant - Listen, the crust is cracking
trilingual edition (English / German / French)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
The first-ever comprehensive overview of Maude Léonard-Contant's universe.
Eeva Siivonen - A rested development (CD)
A rested development is a collaborative sound and moving image work that used chance as a process to develop a sequence of autonomous elements that intersect and diverge in their unfoldings.
Cassandra Miller - Traveller Song / Thanksong (vinyl LP)
Black Truffle
The first release of celebrated London-based Canadian composer Cassandra Miller's music on vinyl, presents a pair of compositions for voice and ensemble that exemplify her gently absurd, strikingly beautiful, and utterly unique work.
Espace art actuel - Porn-O
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
The multiple issues of sexual representations in art / the complex relationships between art and the various forms of pornography.
Dominique Paul - Silent Fall - Devenir oiseau / Becoming Bird / Convertirse en ave
trilingual edition (English / Spanish / French)
Monograph surveying more than ten years of the Canadian visual and performance artist's career, whose engaged practice addresses social and environmental issues, with two essays by Chantal Pontbriand and Ayelet D. Aldouby.
 General Idea - A Rare Gift of the Tropics
no text
A series of viral drawings by Jorge Zontal, signed General Idea, printed in 5 color offset.
Mungo Thomson -
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
First comprehensive monograph, surveying three key series spanning Mungo Thomson's investigations into mass culture and everyday perceptual experience.
Philippe Malouin - Steel Works
English edition
An overview of the Canadian designer's creative process.
Espace art actuel - Neurodiversity
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
The dynamic aspects of neurodiversity in creation, in the context of art therapy, or the production of contemporary visual art works.
Emilie Roby - T A L O S (book + download)
texts in English and French
Le laps
A semi-digital audio publication by performance artist and musician from Northwestern Quebec Emilie Roby.
Kapwani Kiwanga -
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
A multidisciplinary and polyphonic portrait of Kiwanga's practice and thinking.
Kapwani Kiwanga -
French edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
A multidisciplinary and polyphonic portrait of Kiwanga's practice and thinking.
Joshua Bonnetta - Innse Gall (vinyl LP + book)
Shelter Press - Records
32.00 25.00 €
An exploration of the shifting acoustic ecology of the Western Isles.
 General Idea - Ecce Homo
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
The General Idea drawings.
Jonathan Scherk - Toon! (vinyl LP)
Jonathan Scherk's first solo LP immerses us in a highly distinctive world of plunderphonics-sampledelica-variations acousmatiques that's impossible to classify while feeling familiar nonetheless. Following a strict two-minute format, thirteen complex sound constructions offer a range of experiences—as if the neurosciences had developed an acoustic formula capable of triggering illusions of memory.
Espace art actuel - Flesh
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
Aesthetics/Ethics of the Flesh.
 General Idea -
English edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
A colossal compendious overview of the revered and subversive queer Canadian collective, designed in collaboration with AA Bronson: the most comprehensive source on General Idea.
 General Idea -
French edition
JRP|Editions - Monographs
A colossal compendious overview of the revered and subversive queer Canadian collective, designed in collaboration with AA Bronson: the most comprehensive source on General Idea.
Crys Cole - Other Meetings (vinyl LP)
Black Truffle
A major addition to the body of carefully hewn solo work Crys Cole has released over the last decade, offering up two side-long suites of her radically intimate approach to sound.
Nicolas Bernier - Sur le diapason - Autour d\'un cycle de création, entre son, science et lumière
French edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Misceallenous
The art of the tuning fork: the manifesto of the sound artist, performer and composer Nicolas Bernier.
Dawit L. Petros - Spazio Disponibile
bilingual edition (English / French)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
An overview of Dawit L. Petros's expansive suite of works reflecting the lingering effects of colonial brutality and revealing the links between the contemporary resurgence of nationalism and a suppressed colonial past.
Elif Saydam - Two Cents
trilingual edition (English / German / Turkish)
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
First monograph.
Espace art actuel - Voices
bilingual edition (English / French)
Espace art actuel
Poetics of the voice.
Micah Lexier - Autobiography
no text
Tonini Editore
Autobiography by Micah Lexier is apparently just a blank pages book, but it is not. Each page is pierced, and at the back is printed the same colophon. That's because you can rip off every page of it and fix it everywhere. Micah Lexier identifies the holes as one of the main themes of his practice.
Denise Ferreira da Silva - Unpayable Debt
English edition
Sternberg Press - On the Antipolitical
currently out of stock
An examination of the relationship between coloniality, raciality, and global capital through a black feminist poethical framework, inspired by Octavia E. Butler's sci-fi novel Kindred (first volume in the On the Antipolitical series).
Brian Massumi - Pensée en acte - Vingt propositions pour la recherche-création
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – ArTeC
20 proposals for the intersection of artistic practice and research in academic milieu.
Crys Cole - A Piece Of Work (vinyl LP)
Second Editions
21.00 17.50 €
A radio-commissioned album by the Canadian sound artist, based on sound fragments recorded around the world: a subtle and poetic assemblage of concrete sounds and atmospheres that evolve at the boundaries of perception (with Oren Ambarchi and Seiji Morimoto on drums and electronics).
Espace art actuel - Space Feminisme
bilingual edition (texts in English and French)
Espace art actuel
Space in the feminine.
Royden Rabinowitch -
French edition
MAMCO - MAMCO Collection
A renewed approach to the history of sculpture and post-minimalism, based on the Royden Rabinowitch collection at MAMCO.
Neil Farber - 99% Darkness
English edition
99% Darkness is a compilation of recent collaborative paintings and drawings, featuring the night sky. Short scattered texts take inspiration from the cold vast emptiness of space, with applied human longings and hopes.
Espace art actuel - The artist-museologist
bilingual edition (texts in English and French)
Espace art actuel
The use by artists of objects coming from the collections of museums of art, science, and society.
Annie Descôteaux - Matières premières
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le laps
Through short poetic texts that are both humorous and insightful, Quebec artist Annie Descôteaux speaks to her ever-evolving art practice and relationship with the physical world, while also incisively critiquing the institution.
AA Bronson - AA Bronson’s House of Shame
English edition
Edition Patrick Frey
A look back in text and images at AA Bronson 's (collective) production between 2013 and 2018.

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