Humboldt Books


Humboldt Books brings back to light publications that have become impossible to find on the journeys of explorers, the expeditions of anthropologists and ethnographical studies carried out over the 19th and 20th century, accompanied by photographs, illustrations or previously unpublished archive imagery. Journeys which are actually adventures through knowledge, which have changed our way of looking at those places and which, more in general, remind us that more than anything, travelling means learning.
Alexis de Tocqueville - Viaggio in America - Stati Uniti e Canada 1831-32
Italian edition
Humboldt Books
Tocqueville's travel notes, enriched by a photo essay by Ramak Fazel.
Gustave Flaubert - Lettere dall\'Egitto
Italian edition
Humboldt Books
The Italian edition of Flaubert's account of his trip to Egypt, illustrated by Nathalie du Pasquier.

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