
Justin Delareux - Extrait des nasses
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
A both poetical and political text, praising the poetic revolution of language against the current condition of the everyday life.
Giacomo Bianchetti - Bilderberg 2015 - 63ème conférence Bilderberg – 11-14 juin 2015
French edition
CPG (Centre de la photographie Genève)
A series of photographs taken in the margins of the 63rd Bilderberg conference, which brings together some of the most influential political and economic leaders of the Western world.
T. J. Demos - Decolonizing Nature - Contemporary Art and the Politics of Ecology
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
T. J. Demos considers the creative proposals of artists and activists for ways of life that bring together ecological sustainability, climate justice, and radical democracy, at a time when such creative proposals are urgently needed.
Demain l\'école d\'art - Actes des assises nationales des écoles supérieures d\'art
texts in English and French
Proceedings of the 2015 National conference of the French Schools of Arts.
Politiques visuelles
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Perceptions
The political dimension of Visual Studies, between Francophone and Anglo-American studies.
The Silent University - Towards a Transversal Pedagogy
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
This first comprehensive publication about the Silent University introduces the initiative—a solidary school by refugees, asylum seekers and migrants—and contextualizes it in the wider framework of both radical pedagogy and socially engaged art projects.
Markus Miessen - Crossbenching - Toward Participation as Critical Spatial Practice
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
The limits of the participatory game in nowadays democracies.
Francesco Jodice - Panorama
texts in English and Italian
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
A deconstructed overview offering the widest selection of Jodice's works ever presented: more than twenty years of eclectic art—alternating between photography, videos and installations.
Change numérique - Édition intégrale de la revue Change (1968-1983)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Motion Method Memory
The complete PDF edition of the avant-garde journal Change, created by Jean Pierre Faye in 1968: 42 facsimile issues in a 8482-page file with free-text search engine.
Simon Starling - A–Z
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
A pocket, non illustrated mid-career catalogue raisonné of a practice now spanning over two decades.
Rada Iveković - Réfugié-e-s - Les jetables
French edition
Al Dante - History, theory & criticism / essays
Philosopher and feminist writer Rada Iveković examines the current refugee crisis in Europe, and call for the reception of the migrants.
Edgardo Aragón - Mésoamérique - L\'effet ouragan
bilingual edition (English / French)
Jeu de Paume - Monographs
14.00 3.00 €
The genesis and documentation of a video and mapping project on the detrimental effects of foreign authorities' actions in past and present Mexico.
Shahryar Nashat - Obituary
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
With this volume, Shahryar Nashat recalls the life and death of an iconic art object—a green dodecahedron called La Shape—operating in many of the artist's works since 2011.
Colin Crouch - L\'étrange survie du néolibéralisme
French edition
Diaphanes - TransPositions
The new impact of corporations on both the state and the market as the new paradigm of neoliberalism.
Spike - What is to be done?
bilingual edition (English / German)
Since its inception, Spike Art Quarterly stands for independent, critical reporting on the arts, and provides the current cultural debates with emerging artists and leading writers. Thisissue looks for political alternatives and resistance into the art world, and includes discussions between Claire Fontaine's Fulvia Carnevale, Rory Rowan, Constant Dullaart & Toke Lykkeberg, portraits of Tobias Madison, Barbara Kruger and Omer Fast, an interview with Armen Avanessian, Liam Gillick on the British documentary filmmaker Adam Curtis, Chus Martínez on the role of art in generating new cultural forms...
Politique de la mélancolie - À propos de W. G. Sebald
French edition
Les presses du réel – Literature – Misceallenous
This volume brings together essays on the German writer W. G. Sebald (1944-2001), iconographic documents and manuscripts of the author, and a script written by Sebald for a film ever made about the life of the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Latifa Laâbissi - Grimaces du réel
French edition
Les presses du réel – Dance & Performing Arts –
First monograph.
Resistance Performed - An Anthology on Aesthetic Strategies under Repressive Regimes in Latin America
English edition
JRP|Editions - Catalogues, Biennales & Collections
The publication addresses performative artistic strategies as a lived practice of resistance in Latin American countries such as Argentina, Brazil, and Chile.
Julien Prévieux - Datumo!
bilingual edition (English / French)
Le Plateau / Frac Île-de-France
currently out of stock
Datumo! recounts a quantification experiment lead by Julien Prévieux and based on the gazes of an audience watching artworks.
Cahiers Charles Fourier
French edition
Cahiers Charles Fourier
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Charles Fourier review
This issue brings together four articles (by Michel Antony, Loïc Foulon, Gilles Gourbin, Jean-Claude Sosnowski), two projects (by Michel Cordillot and Patrick Samzun), and a great number of reading notes which demonstrate the significant vitality of the research on Fourier, Fourierism, and utopia.
 Alhena Katsof & Dana Yahalomi - Solution 263 - Double Agent
English edition
Sternberg Press - Solution
A political and artistic performance manual revolving around the double agent figure
Pedro Barateiro - Palmeiras Bravas / The Current Situation
English edition
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
A disturbing view of the current state of affairs of the culture in which we live (catalogue).
Tony Conrad - Two Degrees of Separation / Über zwei Ecken
bilingual edition (English / German)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
A compact monograph containing gathering a visual documentation, two essays and a conversation with Tony Conrad, whose multi-faceted contributions since the 1960's have influenced and redefined music, filmmaking, minimalism, performance, video and conceptual art.
Final Vocabulary
bilingual edition (English / Arabic)
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
Taking its cue from the aftermath of the events of the Egyptian Revolution in 2011, these five essays contemplate the language's role in moments of dramatic change, and ask how to find meaning for artistic practices in these transformative conditions.
Simon Starling - Peep-Hole Sheet - Woven Worlds – Some Notes on a Work in Progress
English edition
Peep-Hole Sheet
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
Taking as a starting point the description of an exhibition project, the British artist reflects on the creative process, serendipity, and writing as an exploratory tool in conceiving and creating a work.
Guttu Ane Hjort - Eating or opening a window or just walking dully along
bilingual edition (English / Norwegian)
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
This substantial monograph gathers reflections on Ane Hjort Guttu's recent film projects and offers insight into the artist's work and methodology, and the potential of art as a critical and political tool.
Amar Kanwar - The Sovereign Forest
English edition
Sternberg Press - Monographs and artists' books
Amar Kanwar's extensive project on the social struggles and expropriation issues which take place in the land of Odisha in east India (in collaboration with Sudhir Pattnaik / Samadrusti and Sherna Dastur).
Florence Pazzottu - Hymne à l\'Europe universelle (sic)
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
A both poetic and political text on ordinary racism towards the Romani people.
Giuseppe Stampone - Odio gli Indifferenti
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
An overview of Giuseppe Stampone's recent works.
Les Nouveaux Partisans - Histoire de la Gauche Prolétarienne par des militants de base
French edition
Al Dante - History, theory & criticism / essays
An history of the Gauche Prolétarienne—the most important revolutionary organisation in France after May 68.
Rada Iveković - Les citoyens manquants
French edition
Al Dante - History, theory & criticism / essays
This essay examines the concept of “missing citizens”, taking as a point of departure the violence in the French suburbs, and focusing on contemporary migrations and the construction of citizenships.
Allan Sekula - Ship of Fools / The Dockers\' Museum
French edition
Frac Bretagne
Sekula's final work dedicated to labor solidarity in and around the docks.
Art and the F Word - Reflections on the Browning of Europe
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
The possibility and power of art to imagine futures that are not irrevocably determined by the present, but are invested with struggles fought here and now.
Edward W. Saïd - Le Classisme : une introduction [extrait]
French edition
<o> future <o>
A re-appropriation of Edward Said's Orientalism by Joe Scanlan.
Jérôme Bazin - Réalisme et égalité - Une histoire sociale des arts en  République Démocratique Allemande (1949-1990)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A social history of socialist realism imagery in the former East Germany.
Pier Paolo Pasolini - The Ashes of Gramsci
bilingual edition (English / Italian)
currently out of stock
Published in homage to Pier Paolo Pasolini, this edition (conceived by Alfredo Jaar) features the poem imagined in 1954 by the Italian filmmaker while visiting the grave of Italian Marxist revolutionnary Antonio Gramsci. In this poem, Pasolini meditates on life in front of Gramsci's tomb, evoking themes such as politics, poetry, sexuality, and Italy.
Jann-Marc Rouillan - Le rat empoisonné
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
The last volume of the journal of political activist Jann-Marc Rouillan after his prison release.
Cahiers Charles Fourier
French edition
Cahiers Charles Fourier
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Charles Fourier review
Two documents and three articles: unpublished texts by Charles Fourier and Eugène Pottier; Georges Orsoni, Denis Andro, and Michel Antony address original perspectives on Fourierism and the spirit of utopia in general.
Éric Toussaint - Procès d\'un homme exemplaire
French edition
Al Dante - History, theory & criticism / essays
An investigation on former director of the IMF and the World Bank Jacques de Groote, sued by the Swiss courts for fraudulent privatization.
Loïc Rignol - Les Hiéroglyphes de la Nature - Le socialisme scientifique en France dans le premier XIXe siècle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
An epistemology of historical socialism (politics, natural sciences, humanities and religion in the early XIXth century).
Matthieu Saladin - Esthétique de l\'improvisation libre - Expérimentation musicale et politique
French edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Ohcetecho (sound arts)
Improvisation as musical and political experimentation (essay).
Scott King - Anish and Antony Take Afghanistan
English edition
JRP|Editions - Hapax
A graphic short-story: a trip to Afghanistan, organised by the British government, in which Anish Kapoor and Anthony Gormley are charged with building a gigantic sculpture to subdue the insurgent population...
 Dias & Riedweg -
bilingual edition (English / German)
JRP|Editions - Monographs
Reference monograph.
Education et totalitarisme - L\'éducation dans les pays d\'Europe centrale et orientale
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – Miscellaneous
Education and totalitarianism, in Central and Eastern Europe: a multidisciplinary reflection on totalitarianism as a political and anthropological project which, paradoxically, puts the question of education at the center of its concerns.
Stéphane Nowak Papantoniou - Glôôsse - Réponse à la tentative d\'assassinat du peuple grec par l\'Union européenne et ses bailleurs de fonds
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
This poetical and political text gives a both personal and collective account of Greece's crisis.
 Skalpel - Du bitume avec une plume
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
The chronicles of a troubled suburb of Paris.
Pierre-Luc Abramson - Mondes nouveaux et Nouveau Monde - Les utopies sociales en Amérique latine au XIXe siècle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
A study of social utopias (of European origin, mainly French) in Latin America in the 19th century: a contribution to the defense of utopia as a driving force of human progress, against all forms of utilitarianism and pragmatism.
Serge Pey - Agenda rouge de la résistance chilienne
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
A collection of poems dedicated to the Revolutionary Left Movement's struggle against fascism in Chile.
Jérôme Bertin - Première ligne - 105 mesures pour une guerre
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
A poetic manifesto against the brutality of all forms of power.
Jérôme Bertin - Projet Wolfli
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
A dystopian tale describing a guerilla between fascist militias and utopist groups.

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