Al Dante

Poetry & Literature

Henri-Pierre Jeudy - Petit traité de scissiparité
French edition
Al Dante
15.30 7.50 €
This publication features fictions dealing with physical deformations and doubles, in order to reflect on the duality of man and the body.
Sylvain Courtoux - Vie et mort d\'un poète de merde (+ CD)
French edition
Al Dante
The life and death of a shitty poet: a fake concept album on the trials and tribulations of a young literary mind and rock'n roll enthusiast.
Clara Elliott - Strangulation blues - Poèmes post-punk et Leçons d\'Exorcisme   – 1978-1985 – Suivi de Poèmes inachevés – 1986-1987
French edition
Al Dante
The complete poetic works of singer and musician Clara Elliott, member of punk collective Crass.
David Sillanoli - Vandales
French edition
Al Dante
11.20 6.00 €
David Sillanoli's first novel features a trashy universe inspired by subcultures aesthetics and punk spirit.
Véronique Pittolo - La Révolution dans la poche
French edition
Al Dante
An update of the French Revolution's spirit, and a reflection on the notions of alienation, emancipation, and citizenship.
Claude Closky - Les miens - Suivi de Biennales
French edition
Al Dante
A book of sonnets taking as subjects the modern world and its main actors: the anonymous crowd of famous people of any kind.
Claude Closky - My People - Followed by Biennials
English edition
Al Dante
13.20 6.50 €
A book of sonnets taking as subjects the modern world and its main actors: the anonymous crowd of famous people of any kind.
Jacques-Henri Michot - Comme un fracas
French edition
Al Dante
A chronicle of the world's political situation and a reflection on the language used by those who persist to defend the current political and economic systems.
Bernard Heidsieck - Biopsies (+ CD)
French edition
Al Dante
Publication gathering all the texts and recordings of the Biopsies series (1965-1969).
Bernard Heidsieck - Passe-Partout (+ 2 CD)
French edition
Al Dante
Publication gathering all the texts and recordings of the Passe-partout series (1969-2004).
Bernard Heidsieck - Poèmes-Partitions – Précédé de Sitôt dit (+ 2 CD)
French edition
Al Dante
This publication brings together the sound poet's first work, published in 1955, as well as the entire Poèmes-Partitions series (1955-1965). It also includes 2 CDs with all the Poèmes-Partitions recorded in their time by the author.
Simone Forti - Oh, Tongue
French edition
Al Dante
The notebook of American dancer and choreographer Simone Forti, in which she shares her poetry as well as her thoughts on dance, the body, writing, the state of the world… The publication includes an interview with Forti by Annie Suquet, and an afterword by poet and Fluxus artist Jakson Mac Low.
Antoine Will - Il ne s\'est rien passé à Artolsheim
French edition
Al Dante
Antoine Will investigates a crime news involving a community from Eastern France, and questions the making of accusations in the media and the court system.
Julien Blaine - Blaine au MAC - Un tri
French edition
Al Dante
39.60 19.00 €
This catalogue dedicated to experimental poet Julien Blaine documents the wide variety of his work through his texts, images, installations and performances. Published on the occasion of a retrospective at the MAC Marseille, the publication is richly illustrated and documented, and features an interview with Blaine by Laurent Cauwet and Fabienne Létang.
Pierre Courtaud - De naissance et de petites coupures
French edition
Al Dante
13.20 6.50 €
An account of Pierre Courtaud's nativity told with press fragments from December 26, 1951, the author's day of birth.
Julien Blaine - Les Cahiers de la 5e feuille - 1er avril 2007
French edition
Al Dante
27.40 13.50 €
Penultimate volume of notebooks recounting the scientific-poetic journey of poet Julien Blaine in search of the original language. Here, he reflects on linguistic works by Jean-Pierre Brisset and Jules Hermann, but most and foremost on Hans W. Bornefeld's research on Cro-Magnon glyphs.
Jean-Michel Espitallier - Army
French edition
Al Dante
A tale of war bringing together soldiers' testimonies found on various websites—American news channels, websites on war, cellphone videos broadcasted on Youtube…
Jacques Sivan - Similijake
French edition
Al Dante
27.40 13.50 €
Investigating the aesthetic notion of Gesamtkunstwerk within t>he realm of literature, Jacques Sivan presents a meta-graphic narrative in color, composed of a superimposition of visual communication items, informative writings, typographical games…
Stéphane Bérard - L\'Enfer
French edition
Al Dante
A modernized translation of Dante's Inferno.
Cyrille Martinez - Bibliographies - 5e République – Premiers ministres et Présidents
French edition
Al Dante
A bibliography of the Prime ministers and Presidents of the French Fifth Republic.
Laurence Denimal - Projet-Gasmol
French edition
Al Dante
20.30 10.00 €
An experimental detective fiction highlighting the dangers of mass media.
Bruno Lemoine - L\'après journal de Nijinski
French edition
Al Dante
15.30 7.50 €
Presented as the apocryphal diary of dancer Nijinsky, this polyphonic text gives birth to a schizophrenic world in which are investigated the relations between the author, the reader, and the subject.
 La Rédaction - Valérie par Valérie
French edition
Al Dante
An attempt to transform the media image of Valérie, a former reality TV competitor, through a writing process.
Jean-Jacques Lebel -
French edition
Al Dante
This exhibition catalogue gathers together the visual works—collages, drawings and installations—of three major French experimental poets.
Sylvain Courtoux - Nihil, Inc.
French edition
Al Dante
A gamebook in which the reader evolves in a burroughsian world threatened by a crime and terrorist corporation.
Jacques-Henri Michot - La vie, l\'amour, la mort
French edition
Al Dante
A collection of trite and commonplace remarks from the everyday life.
Véronique Pittolo - Hélène mode d\'emploi
French edition
Al Dante
A poetic contemporary adaptation of the mythical figure of Helen of Troy.
Jean-Luc Parant - 176 hiéroglyphes déchiffrés sous la voute du ciel
French edition
Al Dante
23.40 11.50 €
Publication gathering a series of early works from 1962 by French artist Jean-Luc Parant. These 176 hieroglyphs consist of 88 drawings to read, and 88 texts to look at.
Anne-James Chaton - Questio de Dido (+ CD)
French edition
Al Dante
Anne-James Chaton in search of the lost manuscript of Virgil's Aeneid in the city of Naples (a text and a radiophonic creation).
Jérôme Game - Ça tire - Suivi de Ceci n\'est pas une liste (+ CD)
French edition
Al Dante
Two texts of poetry examining the organization of everyday speeches. The publication includes a CD with audio recordings by the author.
Yves Buraud - Agonie-sous-bois
French edition
Al Dante
17.30 8.50 €
A lexicon to look back at the 2005 French riots.
Charles Pennequin - Pas de tombeau pour Mesrine
French edition
Al Dante
While looking for French criminal Jacques Mesrine's grave, Charles Pennequin engages in a poetic and politic reflection against French society.
Bernard Heidsieck - Vaduz (+ CD)
French edition
Al Dante
This poem by Bernard Heidsieck starts with Vaduz, the capital of Lichtenstein, and from it, lists all the people and ethnic groups of the world: a great humanist work and an extreme experience of poetry-action. The publication features a recording of the poem, read by Bernard Heidsieck.
Franck Leibovici - Portraits chinois
French edition (texts in English and French)
Al Dante
A poetic document gathering fragments of texts found on the websites of political groups and international news agencies.
 La Rédaction - Nos visages-flashs ultimes
French edition
Al Dante
17.30 8.50 €
This visual essay on hostage portrait questions the emotional relationship to the image in wartime. The artist uses basic communication tools to encourage us to reflect on information in public spaces.
Patrick Beurard-Valdoye - Le narré des îles Schwitters
French edition
Al Dante
A poetic investigation into the exile of Merz founder Kurt Schwitters in Norway and England after the Nazis' takeover of Germany.
Raoul Hausmann - Une anthologie poétique - Précédé de « RH L\'optophonétiste » par Isabelle Maunet-Salliet (+ CD)
French edition
Al Dante
First critical anthology of the poetry of Raoul Hausmann, one of the founders of Dada Berlin. It features many unpublished documents, an introductory essay by Isabelle Maunet-Salliet, and a recording of phonetic poems read by Raoul Hausmann.
Julien Blaine - Poëmes vulgos
French edition
Al Dante
39.60 19.00 €
Full-color anthology dedicated to the works of visual poet and performer Julien Blaine.
Liliane Giraudon - La sphinge mange cru
French edition
Al Dante
sold out
A collection of poems inspired by the Greek mythological figure of the female sphinx.
Mustapha Benfodil - Le point de vue de la mort
French edition
Al Dante
sold out
Following the social unrest and immolation acts in Southern Algeria in 2011, writer and journalist Mustapha Benfodil wrote this fictional monologue of a village's mortuary employee to reflect on the wounds of the Algerian society.
Calligrammes & compagnie, etcetera
French edition
Al Dante
sold out
Dada, Fluxus, futurism, spatialism, lettrism, concrete poetry, cut-up… a 560-page anthology of typographical explosions and poetic experiments by Al Dante.
L\'armée noire - Printemps de merde
French edition
Al Dante
sold out
L'armée noire is a collaborative review founded by poet Charles Pennequin and illustrator Quentin Faucompré. This first issue gathers texts and illustrations inspired by art brut and experimental poetry.
Christophe Tarkos - Le Baroque
French edition
Al Dante
sold out
A posthumous notebook of writings and sketches by poet Christophe Tarkos.
French edition
Al Dante
French edition
Al Dante

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