les presses du réel

Architecture and Time

table of contents
An Analogous Time
Alain Bublex

The Digital, Revolution of Time
Bruno Marzloff, Chronos Group

Distended Time
Florian de Pous, Lacaton & Vassal Agency

Archives, Memory of Architectural Creation?
León Arellano-Lechuga

“Versioning”: Notes on Time in Architectural Practice
Sophie Houdart

The Order of Time: Periodic Reconstruction in Japan
Jean-Sébastien Cluzel

The Esthetic of Time in Japan
Christine Buci-Glucksmann

Architecture and Time
Kengo Kuma

Isn't Time Merely an Illusion?
Joël Garnier

Acceleration and Desynchronization. Systemic Analysis of Two Fundamental Dimensions of Modern Temporality
Flavien Le Bouter

Articulating the Flow
Postface by Élie During

Authors' Biographies

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