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Manolo Laguillo - Pseudopanorama
New monograph / artists' book.
Pseudopanorama documents Manolo Laguillo most recent seven photo series: Lavapiés (2014), Japón (2014), Las Provincias (2015), Beirut (2017), El Estrecho de Gibraltar (2019), Centrales Nucleares (2020) and Barcelona Abril (2020), the latter on the deserted capital under Covid-19 lock-down. In addition, a visual timeline recaps the photographers most iconic works and his use of cameras since 1977 to date. The book design by ODD–Oficina de disseny (Ariadna Serrahima and Diego Bustamante) is with its format and layout somehow reminiscent to an early and very scarce publication made in 1989 by graphic designer Quim Nolla about Laguillo's series NY–LA.
Published on the occasion of the exhibition Manolo Laguillo. Projectos 1983-2020 at La Virreina Centre de la Imatge in Barcelona, and MUN–Museo Universidad de Navarra in Pamplona, in 2020.
Manolo Laguillo (born 1953 in Madrid) is a key figure in the Spain of the “new topographics”, a 1970s movement of international artists that altered traditional concepts of landscape and urban photography without glossing-over the reality of a territory. Analysing and documenting since 1977 the transformation of the urban space and its sprawl, he has often worked in series that emphasized the ambiguous tensions between city and countryside. Being professor of photography since 1996 at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona.
Edited by Moritz Küng.
Texts by Moritz Küng, Manolo Laguillo, Juan José Lahuerta.
Graphic design: ODD.
published in November 2020
trilingual edition (English / Catalan / Spanish)
23 x 32 cm (softcover)
140 pages (ill.)
ISBN : 978-84-9156-292-4
EAN : 9788491562924
in stock
(last copies available!)

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