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Cahiers Maurice Blanchot

Founded by Monique Antelme, Danielle Cohen-Levinas and Michael Holland (scientific committee: Geoffrey Bennington, Michel Deguy, Marguerite Derrida, Kevin Hart and Jean-Luc Nancy), the Cahiers Maurice Blanchot propose contemporary studies of Blanchot's oeuvre and legacy.
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
French edition
The letters of Maurice Blanchot to François Dominique, which illuminate one of the last editorial projects of Blanchot; “Maurice Blanchot, writing and power”; an unpublished letter from Blanchot on the Cuban Revolution; the 68 years of Blanchot...
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
French edition
Special feature “Blanchot and the narrative”; a study on Blanchot and photography; Jean-Luc Nancy; Philippe Jaccottet; a poem by the late Michel Butor…
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
French edition
A theoretical, literary and critical dossier dedicated to the relationship between Maurice Blanchot and Georges Bataille; Jean-Luc Nancy's La Communauté désavouée, around the notion of community in Blanchot's oeuvre.
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
French edition
A theoretical, literary and critical dossier dedicated to the relationship between Maurice Blanchot and Georges Bataille; Jean-Luc Nancy's La Communauté désavouée, around the notion of community in Blanchot's oeuvre.
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
French edition
Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and Jean-Luc Nancy readers of Maurice Blanchot, Blanchot's political trajectory, Emmanuel Levinas' unpublished letter to Maurice Blanchot...
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
French edition
A tribute to Monique Antelme (Danielle Cohen-Levinas, Jean-Luc Nancy, Maurice Nadeau; testimonials...); Blanchot and the Jewish issues (Danielle Cohen-Levinas with Jean-Luc Nancy, Edmond Jabès, David Banon, Michael Holland, Ginette Michaud, Jacques Derrida and Maurice Blanchot); studies (Christophe Bident on Blanchot and Leiris, Pascal Gibourg, Francesco Vitale on Derrida); reading notes.
Cahiers Maurice Blanchot
French edition
Derrida's postcards to Blanchot, essays by Jean-Luc Nancy, Didier Cahen, Kevin Hart, Michel Deguy, lectures at the Collège International de Philosophie (Gisèle Berkman, Danielle Cohen-Levinas, Leslie Hill, Michael Holland), studies (Jérémie Majorel, Daniel Dobbels, Yuji Nishiyama), reading notes...

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