Stéphanie Moisdon

Stéphanie Moisdon (born 1967 in Paris, lives and works between Paris and Lausanne) is an art critic and curator. She is associate curator at Le Consortium in Dijon, and dean of the Visual Arts Master at the Ecole Cantonale d'Art de Lausanne, ECAL. She is co-founder of the BDV (Bureau des vidéos) and Frog magazine with Éric Troncy. She is a regular contributor to Artforum, Beaux Arts Magazine, art press, Purple, Self Service
She has curated numerous exhibitions such as "1984-1997. La décennie" at the Centre Pompidou Metz (2015-2016), "Sturtevant Sturtevant" at the MADRE in Naples (2016), the monographs of Heji Shin (2021), Nick Relph (2020), Mathieu Malouf (2019), Nicolas Ceccaldi (2018), Willem de Rooij (2016), John Armleder (2015), Richard Hawkins (2014), as well as "The World as Will and Wallpaper" (from Michel Houellebecq), at Le Consortium (2012). She was the curator of the 9th Lyon Biennial (2007), Manifesta 4, the European Biennial in Frankfurt (2002), "Présumés innocents, l'art et l'enfance" at the Capc Musée d'Art Contemporain de Bordeaux (2000).
Since 2006 she is directing the experimental school "L'École de Stéphanie" that took place in different institutions between Paris, Turin, Bienne, Berlin, Toulouse.
She is the author of several monographs, among others Jean-Luc Verna, Les Roches Noires (Flammarion, 2017), Marnie Weber (Le Magasin, 2011), Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (Hazan, 2002).
Stéphanie Moisdon - Stéphanie Moisdon
French edition
Les presses du réel – Criticism, theory & documents – Documents
JRP|Editions - Documents (co-edition Les presses du réel)
A collection of texts and interviews by the art critic and independant curator (John Armleder, Mehdi Belhaj Kacem, Guy Debord, Jean-Luc Godard, Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, Douglas Gordon, Carsten Höller, Michel Houellebecq, Pierre Huyghe, Jacques Lacan, Jean-François Lyotard, Olivier Mosset, Philippe Parreno, Andy Warhol...).
topicsStéphanie Moisdon: also present in

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