Art History

Essays and illustrated books.
Emmanuel Pernoud - Le serviteur inspiré - Portrait de l\'artiste en travailleur de l\'ombre
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
An investigation into artistic reproduction and the role of the engravers in the shadows who made prints signed by others, questioning the relationships of domination and subordination in creation.
Maureen Murphy - De l\'imaginaire au musée - Les arts d\'Afrique à Paris et à New York (1931 à nos jours)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
An historical perspective of the representation of non-western art in western museums and imagination / an essay on the relations between African arts and avant-garde.
Déborder la négritude - Arts, politique et société à Dakar
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
A collective analysis of the emergence of the “contemporary” and the transnational and transhistorical logics at work in artistic practices in Dakar in response to questions raised by globalization since the Independances, opening up new territories for sociological, economic, political and aesthetic investigations.
La vie sociale des choses - Les marchandises dans une perspective culturelle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Examining how things are sold and exchanged within diverse cultural environments, past and present through a collection of contributions by social anthropologists and historians, this book builds a bridge between social history, cultural anthropology and economics and marks a major step in our understanding of the cultural foundations of economic life and the sociology of culture.
Hans Hartung - Hans Hartung et l\'abstraction - « Réalité autre, mais réalité quand même »
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
Drawing on extensive documentation and unpublished sources, this collective publication proposes an ambitious re-examination of Hans Hartung's prolific work and eventful personal trajectory as an actor in a broader history of abstraction, which also provides a fertile matrix for many other reflections on twentieth-century art.
Noémie Étienne - Les Autres et les ancêtres - Les dioramas de Franz Boas et d’Arthur C. Parker à New York, 1900
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
An in-depth study of the diorama in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century, a place for the creation and mediation of knowledge but also for the political construction of history, between art, anthropology and natural sciences.
Stéphane Van Damme - Seconde nature - Rematérialiser les sciences de Bacon à Tocqueville
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
By renewing the dialogue with anthropology, this book invites the history of science to be refounded on other, more humanistic bases.
Iveta Slavkova - Réparer l\'homme - La crise de l\'humanisme et l\'Homme nouveau des avant-gardes autour de la Grande Guerre (1909-1929)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
An ambitious and transversal study on the crisis of humanism resulting from modernity, and on the historical consequences of the universalist and absolute conception carried by Futurism and the Bauhaus, proposing little explored paths for a re-reading of the artistic stakes in the 20th century.
Aurélie Verdier - Aujourd\'hui pense à moi - Francis Picabia, Ego, Image
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
The stakes of Francis Picabia's creative process, between exaltation and rejection of the self, at the heart of the constitution of modernity.
Laurence Schmidlin - La Spatialisation du dessin dans l\'art américain des années 1960 et 1970
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
The development of spatial and tridimensional drawing in American art, both in theory and in practice, from the 1960s through the 1970s.
Patricia Leighten - Le cubisme devant ses contemporains - Documents et critiques (1906-1914)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
An anthology.
Mark Antliff - Le fascisme d\'avant-garde - La mobilisation du mythe, de l\'art et de la culture en France (1909-1939)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
How to explain the intersection, during the twentieth century, of the ideology and theories on violence and creativity?
Richard Wittman - Architecture, culture de l\'imprimé et sphère publique dans la France du XVIIIe siècle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A transdisciplinary study that sheds new light on the birth of modern architecture in France through its relations with the printed text, vector of the diffusion of the architectural ideal at the scale of the nation, and the emergence of the public sphere between the end of the 17th century and the French Revolution.
Niklaus Manuel Güdel - Gustave Courbet - Une enquête sur le paysage
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
William Reddy - La traversée des sentiments - Un cadre pour l\'histoire des émotions (1700-1850)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A pioneering approach to the history of emotions.
Jean Laude - Écrits sur l\'art
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Jean Laude's writings on art.
Ilya Ehrenbourg - Et pourtant elle tourne
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
First French edition of an essential manifesto of modern art written by Russian writer, poet and journalist Ilya Ehrenburg in 1921.
Gaëlle Beaujean - L\'art de cour d\'Abomey - Le sens des objets
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Conceived around an anthropology of the object, this book proposes to follow the course of royal objects of Abomey, former capital of the pre-colonial Kingdom of Dahomey (in present-day Benin).
Vanina Géré - Les mauvais sentiments - L\'art de Kara Walker
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
This book traces the career of Kara Walker (born in 1969), the most internationally recognized African-American artist since Jean-Michel Basquiat, and explores the history of the reception of a work that faces the limits of representation, challenging the question of the figuration of the black body.
Maria Stavrinaki - Saisis par la préhistoire - Enquête sur l\'art et le temps des modernes
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
(last copies available!)
Can the modern uses of prehistory shed new light on the modern experience of time and, thus, the art of this period?
Baptiste Brun - Jean Dubuffet et la besogne de l\'Art Brut - Critique du primitivisme
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Jean Dubuffet, Art Brut, and the primitivist paradigm.
Émilie Goudal - Des damné(e)s de l\'Histoire - Les arts visuels face à la guerre d\'Algérie
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A critical look at the place and stakes of representations of the war of independence in the contemporary construction of the French and Algerian art scene.
Isabelle Delorme - Quand la bande dessinée fait mémoire du XXe siècle - Les récits mémoriels historiques en bande dessinée
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
The historical-memorial narrative in comics, from Art Spiegelman to Marjane Satrapi, as a new form of representation of History, between individual and collective memory.
Anne Lafont - L\'art et la race - L\'Africain (tout) contre l\'œil des Lumières
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
French art historian Anne Lafont delivers an unpublished study on the close and paradoxical relations of art and race in the Enlightenment. A new voice in current works on issues of race, art, images and colonization.
Giovanna Zapperi - Carla Lonzi : un art de la vie - Critique d\'art et féminisme en Italie (1968-1981)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A critical examination of the relationship between aesthetics and politics through the iconic figure of Carla Lonzi (1931-1982), an innovative art critic and one of the founders of neo-feminism in Italy.
Estelle Zhong Mengual - L\'art en commun - Réinventer les formes du collectif en contexte démocratique
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
An investigation into the artistic and political issues of participatory art since the 1990s.
Cécile Fromont - L\'Art de la conversion - Culture visuelle chrétienne dans le royaume du Kongo
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
An an extensive analysis of the advent of Christian visual culture in the Kingdom of Kongo and its and development across four centuries.
Scarlett et Philippe Reliquet - Marcel Duchamp / Henri-Pierre Roché et les Neuf Moules Mâlic
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
Marcel Duchamp, Henri-Pierre Roché, and the Neuf Moules Mâlic (Nine Malic Moulds): the genesis, the history and the destiny of an artwork as exceptional as the relation between an artist and his collector, of which it was the vector.
Rémi Labrusse - Face au chaos - Pensées de l\'ornement à l\'âge de l\'industrie
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
The growth of thought on ornament, applied arts and architecture in the industrial age, between ornamental impulse and decorative project.
Yaëlle Biro - Fabriquer le regard - Marchands, réseaux et objets d\'art africains à l\'aube du XXe siècle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Based on a set of mostly unpublished archives, this book focuses on the role played by art dealers at the turn of the last century in the definition, promotion and circulation of African objects as artworks, in Europe and the United States.
Daniel J. Sherman - Le primitivisme en France et les fins d\'empire (1945-1975)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
“Primitivism” as a tool for analysis of post-war French society, between a modernization and decolonization movement, and possible forms of resistance.
Louis Michel Eilshemius - Six Musical Moods (+ CD)
bilingual edition (English / German)
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
The first publication ever dedicated to the musical works of American painter Louis Michel Eilshemius: Halfway between romantic tradition and futurist audacity, these sound pieces which prefigure the use of sampling are interpreted with virtuosity by the young pianist Imke Lichtwark in the accompanying CD. The book also includes texts by Roberto Ohrt, Sven Daigger, Stefan Banz, and by Eilshemius himself.
Courbet, épistolier – 24 lettres inédites + La correspondance de Courbet – 20 ans après (2 livres)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Fama
32.00 24.00 €
Special offer for the purchase of two volumes dedicated to correspondence of Gustave Courbet.
La correspondance de Courbet - 20 ans après
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Fama
A review of the epistolary correspondence of Gustave Courbet, by an ethnologist, a writer, a psychoanalyst, a hunter, a philosopher, a gastroenterologist, a psychiatrist, two curators, and six art historians.
Sophie Cras - L\'économie à l\'épreuve de l\'art - Art et capitalisme dans les années 1960
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
The history of capitalism of the 1960s revisited in the light of the artworks that challenged it.
Jean Reubrez - Franz Radziwill, l\'imagier ambigu
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Inflexion
An in-depth and circumstantial study of the work of Franz Radziwill (1895-1983), a major and controversial representative of “magical realism” in painting.
Sylvia Kahan - Winnaretta Singer-Polignac - Princesse, mécène et musicienne
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
The life and work of Winnaretta Singer, Princesse de Polignac, who used her fortune to support the arts, sciences and literature, and whose influence on the musical and literary worlds of the twentieth century is immeasurable.
Maria Stavrinaki - Contraindre à la liberté - Carl Einstein, les avant-gardes, l\'histoire
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A historiographical study of German art theorist, writer and activist Carl Einstein (1885-1940), that also explores several layers of the history of the early twentieth century, and proposes a critical reflection on some epistemological tropisms of today.
Samuel F. B. Morse - Conférences sur l\'Affinité de la Peinture avec le reste des Beaux-Arts - précédé par Jean-Philippe Antoine : Pour qui peindre et parler ? Un art de la conférence
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Conférences sur l'affinité de la peinture avec le reste des beaux-arts (“Conferences on the affinity of painting with other fine arts”) shed a new light on the career of the inventor of the famous Morse code, best known at his time as one of America's most promising painters of his generation.
Pauline Chevalier - Une histoire des espaces alternatifs à New York - De SoHo au South Bronx (1969-1985)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Artistic practices in New York's alternative art spaces (1969-1985).
Judith Benhamou-Huet - Aleijadinho - Le Brésil est un sculpteur métisse
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
A biographical essay on the Baroque Brazilian architect and sculptor from the 18th century, Aleijadinho.
Annie Claustres - Objets emblèmes, objets du don - Enjeux postmodernes de la culture matérielle, de 1964 à nos jours
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Postmodernism and gift culture: everyday objects in contemporary art since the 1960s.
Déborah Laks - Des déchets pour mémoire - L\'utilisation de matériaux de récupération par les nouveaux réalistes (1955-1975)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
This study addresses the scope of the use of found objects and garbage by the Nouveaux Réalistes in the 1960s.
Jonas Beyer - Entre dessin et estampe - Edgar Degas et la redécouverte du monotype au XIXe siècle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Edgar Degas and the rediscovery of monotyping in the 19th century.
Pascale Martinez - Le temple et les marchands - Une histoire du musée Grévin (1881-1921)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
A story of the Grévin wax museum in Paris from 1881 to 1921.
Clara Pacquet - Signature et achevé en soi - Esthétique, psychologie et anthropologie dans l\'œuvre de Karl Philipp Moritz (1756-1793)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
An essay conceived as an intellectual portrait of the German writer, psychologist and art theorist Karl Philipp Moritz, whose purpose is to investigate the relationships between aesthetics, psychology and anthropology in the second half of the 18th century, and the importance of their simultaneous development for the debates about art after 1800.
Yves Sarfati - L\'Anti-Origine du monde - Comment Whistler a tué Courbet
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Œuvres en sociétés
Rereading L'Origine du monde and the relationship between Gustave Courbet and James Whistler.
Yve-Alain Bois - La peinture comme modèle
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Misceallenous
The first French translation of Yve-Alain Bois' reference study on modernism
Petra ten-Doesschate Chu - Courbet, épistolier - 24 lettres inédites
French edition
Les presses du réel – Art History – Fama
24 unpublished letters by Gustave Courbet.

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