les presses du réel

Front UniqueLa traversée du surréalisme de Jean-Jacques Lebel

Jean-Jacques Lebel - Front Unique
This book recounts Jean-Jacques Lebel's long and tumultuous passage through the powerful laboratory of ideas and experiments of surrealism that was the journal Front Unique (1955-1960), which heralded and sometimes prefigured his future protean activities in the fields of art, poetry and militancy (anticolonial and libertarian).
Born in 1936, Jean-Jacques Lebel lives and works in France.
Edited and introduced by Jérôme Duwa.
Interview with Jean-Jacques Lebel by Jérôme Duwa.
Afterword by Solange Brame.

Published with Rhizomeditions.
2024 (publication expected by 4th quarter)
French edition
17 x 24 cm (softcover)
336 pages (ill.)
ISBN : 978-2-37896-537-2
EAN : 9782378965372

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