
Jean-Guy Coulange - Tout commence par un bruit
French edition
A continuation of Jean-Guy Coulange's radio projects and his attempt to "show sound".
Pierre Schaeffer - À la recherche de Pierre Schaeffer - Portrait(s)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Music & Sound Arts – Misceallenous
A vast selection of theoretical, philosophical and literary writings by Pierre Schaeffer, accompanied by testimonies of various personalities, providing a privileged entry into the multidimensional universe of the composer, engineer, theorist and radio man, whose tutelary shadow is constantly cast on the landscape of sound creation.
Jan Jelinek - Zwischen (vinyl LP)
25.50 17.50 €
A short version of a radio play devised and produced by Jan Jelinek for German public broadcaster SWR2, bringing together twelve sound poetry collages using interview answers by public figures, from Marcel Duchamp to Lady Gaga.
Bio_Sonic_Agencies (CD)
Errant Bodies - Records & DVDs
A radio creation around the materiality of sound and air.
Jean-Guy Coulange - Sillon
French edition
A "story-poem", forming one of the parts of a project by Jean-Guy Coulange that also includes two radio plays and an exhibition.
Antonin Artaud - Radio Works - 1946-48
bilingual edition (English / French)
Diaphanes - Misceallenous
The translated transcripts of two radio broadcasts by Artaud: To have done with the judgement of god (1947-48) and Madness and Black Magic (1946). Correspondences from that period are also included.
Simon Ripoll-Hurier - HITS (vinyl LP)
A territorial project but also a collective, musical, social and political experience of listening and exchange.
Jean-Guy Coulange - Bruissons
French edition
A village, its people, nine characters, some children, a forest. Three seasons : winter, lockdown an spring. Bruissons is the tale of a motionless journey, slightly disrupted. An exhibition – pictures, sounds. And a book.
Gerhard Rühm - Ausgewählte Kurze Hörstücke (1961-1987) (vinyl LP)
Tochnit Aleph
currently out of stock
Unlike previous Gerhard Rühm editions on Tochnit Aleph which portrayed his phonetic poetry and longform radio-plays, the pieces on this edition are more conceptual, actionistic and (mostly) sound-based works recorded between 1962 and 1987.
 Opening Performance Orchestra - Radio Music Extended (based on John Cage\'s Radio Music) (CD)
Sub Rosa
The composition Radio Music Extended, performed by Opening Performance Orchestra, draws upon the concept John Cage brought to bear in his piece Radio Music from 1956.
Luc Ferrari - L\'Escalier des aveugles - Recueil de nouvelles
bilingual edition (English / French)
Maison ONA
Facsimile scores and documents about the radiophonic work created by Luc Ferrari in 1991.
Théo Robine-Langlois - C\'est toujours beaux un nuage au pire c\'est chiant (vinyl LP)
A radio novel inspired by the author's previous publication, associating infuences from sound fictions, experimental music, sound poetry, and rap.
Ania Mauruschat - Music as Seismographic Sound - Tracking Down the Idea of Cultural Translation
English edition
Mount Analogue
A proposal for a radio project on the diffusion of world music in the digital age, focusing on the concept of “seismographic sound”.
Jean-Guy Coulange - Route Finistère Sud
French edition
Hippocampe - Books
19.00 9.50 €
Antje Vowinckel - Tuning Butterflies (CD)
Errant Bodies - Records & DVDs
Dialect melodies are passed along since time immemorial and yet are only spontaneously available in the moment. Before caught and preserved they have to be released. Antje Vowinckel reflects upon this paradox through a collection of dialect recordings which are then imitated by humming musicians who try to catch the correct melodic lines.
Thomas Baumgartner - L\'Hypothèse du baobab - Notes sur la radio
French edition
Hippocampe - Books
Notes on the radio.
Gerhard Rühm - Diotima hat ihre Lektüre gewechselt (CD)
Tochnit Aleph
14.00 10.50 €
A 1971 detective audio play based on a real murder trial from the early 20th century. The court records are read out by two girls, accompanied by narrative background sounds and a piano piece. Liner-notes (in English and German) by Gerhard Rühm.
Jean-Guy Coulange - La Traversée (du paysage) – Sonore, écriture, photographie
French edition
Hippocampe - Books
This publication is a literary narrative depicting radio projects on the landscape of French rivers Somme and Rance. It includes notes documenting the making of the two radio plays, as well as a series of 23 photographs.
Christian Rosset - Les voiles de Sainte-Marthe - Micro-récits et notes d\'Atelier
French edition
Hippocampe - Books
18.00 9.00 €
Autobiographical fiction telling forty years of radio creation.
Stefan Roigk - Sprachmusik (CD)
Tochnit Aleph
A new electro-acoustic composition by Berlin-based artist Stefan Roigk. The radio play like combination of poetic lectures, vocals treatments, concrete sounds and deep vocal drones is based on several live recordings and performances made between 2012 and 2015.
Nicolas Montgermont - Radioscapes (vinyl LP)
Radio recordings from 3 GHz to 30 KHz: a record that invites the listener to discover the electromagnetic landscapes that surround us.
Jean-Guy Coulange - Je descends la rue de Siam - Carnets sonores et photographiques
French edition
Hippocampe - Books
16.00 8.00 €
These notebooks gather texts and photographs documenting the creation process at the heart of Jean-Guy Coulange's radiophonic practice.
Radio Nancarrow 92.5 FM
bilingual edition (English / Spanish)
Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite
This publication is the closing project of a series of recent initiatives around the works of American experimental composer Conlon Nancarrow, including a pirate radio station, an art journal, a museographical essay by Mario García Torres, and an exhibition.
 Winter Family - No World (book / CD)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Dis Voir - ZagZig (books / CDs)
No World is an original piece in an audio book composed from daily images, sounds and texts collected through the Internet, songs, poems, interviews and field recordings created by Winter Family between 2011 and 2014 while living between Paris and in the Caribbean neighbourhoods of Brooklyn, NYC.
Loris Gréaud - Crossfading (book / CD)
bilingual edition (English / French)
Dis Voir - ZagZig (books / CDs)
This audio art book documents an experiment in binaural sound by French artist Loris Gréaud performed around the world over five years. Using binaural beats, Crossfading guides the listener to the threshold of sleep. The book includes MRI images of the artist listening to the piece.
Olivier Toulemonde - RadioDordogne#2 - Créations sonores, 2015 (CD)
Le Chant du Moineau / Casta - Records
In 2015, the web radio RadioDordogne offers five carte blanche to sound artists and composers. They each deliver a piece, born from what the territory evokes to them.
Christian Marclay - Fire & Water / 火と水 (book / CD)
trilingual edition (English / French / Japanese)
Dis Voir - ZagZig (books / CDs)
This artist's book / CD includes an innovative work made of sound and pictures related to an installation made by the artist in Japan in 2012.
Gerhard Rühm - Masoch - Eine rituelle Rezitation (CD)
Tochnit Aleph
First release of Gerhard Rühm's Radio-Play “Masoch”. A ritual recitation of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch and Ignatius von Loyola for one female and one male speaker, a chorus of speakers, and tape.
Wilfried Deurre - RadioDordogne#1 - Prises de son, 2014 (CD)
Le Chant du Moineau / Casta - Records
RadioDordogne#1 is a vast montage of sound recordings made by the sound cartographers in 2014 for the web radio RadioDordogne. Sound heritage, readings, landscapes, archives, musical creations are intertwined to propose six radio pieces for listening.
Franz Mon - Stimmen Lauter Stimmen (vinyl LP)
Tochnit Aleph
Mon's early concrete phonetic poems recorded 1962-64, as well as the radio-play “Ich bin der ich bin die” from 1971.
 HMMM - Radio Lucrèce (CD)
12.00 5.00 €
 HMMM - Radio Lucrèce (2 vinyl LP)
15.00 7.00 €
Gerhard Rühm - Verlautbarungen - Litaneien, Lautgedichte, Sprechduette 1952-2010 (CD)
bilingual booklet (English / German)
Tochnit Aleph
CD presenting 37 solo text-pieces, phonetic poems and poetry duets (with Monika Lichtenfeld) written and composed between 1952 and 2010.
 Soundwalk Collective - Medea (book / CD)
English edition
Dis Voir - ZagZig (books / CDs)
Medea is an original sound composition based on recordings of radio interceptions and field recordings compiled by Soundwalk Collective during a two-month journey by boat along the coasts of the Black Sea.
 Soundwalk Collective - Medea (book / CD)
French edition
Dis Voir - ZagZig (books / CDs)
Medea is an original sound composition based on recordings of radio interceptions and field recordings compiled by Soundwalk Collective during a two-month journey by boat along the coasts of the Black Sea.
 Chloé - Chasser Croiser - The Surreal and Its Echo (book / CD)
English edition
Dis Voir - ZagZig (books / CDs)
This original radio sound piece unfurls a multiple electroacoustic flux in which audio archives of the voices of the great surrealist heroes of the Twenties (Man Ray, Duchamp, Aragon) are given a new breath of life and become electric.
 Chloé - Chasser Croiser - Le Surréel et son écho (book / CD)
French edition
Dis Voir - ZagZig (books / CDs)
This original radio sound piece unfurls a multiple electroacoustic flux in which audio archives of the voices of the great surrealist heroes of the Twenties (Man Ray, Duchamp, Aragon) are given a new breath of life and become electric.
Gisèle Vienne - JERK // Through their tears (book / CD)
English edition
Dis Voir - ZagZig (books / CDs)
currently out of stock
A collaborative artist's book and audio recording which translates a previous collaborative theater work into a violent multimedia disquisition on puppetry, serial killing and homoeroticism. The play and book are based on the Texan serial killer Dean Corll.
Jean-Paul Curnier - Vingt et un tours de la question (radiophonies)
French edition
Al Dante - Poetry & Literature
Collection of fictitious transcripts of radio speeches by experts on subjects such as art in life, the scarcity of water, cigarettes, or neighborhood relations. Among the 21 speeches, only one is authentic. A humoristic take on the notion of expert, and its propagandist deviation.
Jean-Yves Leloup - Digital Magma
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
New musical practices, modes of production and reception of culture, since the emergence of electronic music in the 1990s.
Ryoji Ikeda - Dataphonics (book / CD)
English edition
Dis Voir - ZagZig (books / CDs)
Conceived as an homage to Musique Concrète pioneer Pierre Schaeffer's Solfège de l'objet sonore, Dataphonics is a project that focuses on the relationship between the data of sound and the sound of data. The work deploys frequencies at the very edges of human hearing, sounds that, as Ryoji Ikeda explains, “the listener becomes aware of only upon their disappearance.”
Ryoji Ikeda - Dataphonics (book / CD)
French edition
Dis Voir - ZagZig (books / CDs)
Conceived as an homage to Musique Concrète pioneer Pierre Schaeffer's Solfège de l'objet sonore, Dataphonics is a project that focuses on the relationship between the data of sound and the sound of data. The work deploys frequencies at the very edges of human hearing, sounds that, as Ryoji Ikeda explains, “the listener becomes aware of only upon their disappearance.”
 Lee Ranaldo - Water Days (book / CD)
English edition
Dis Voir - ZagZig (books / CDs)
The book and audio CD Water Days documents an exchange of pictures, texts, sounds and voices between multimedia artist Leah Singer and Sonic Youth's Lee Ranaldo inspired by the contrast between wanderlust and the desire for home.

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