Intellectual property

 Ludovic Chemarin© - Une Trilogie
French edition
Art Book Magazine
A rethinking of the conceptual approach of Ludovic Chemarin©, artist turned fictional and polycephalous, who continues to redraw the figurative boundaries of the artist and the work, the exhibition and the institution.
Philippe Thomas - L\'agence
French edition
MAMCO - MAMCO Collection
The first systematic and exhaustive study of the company named Readymades belong to everyone® with which Philippe Thomas radically questioned the author's figure.
Gareth Long - Kidnappers Foil
English edition
Mousse - Mousse Publishing (books)
An unusual vantage on the history of cinematic production in the twentieth century.
 Ludovic Chemarin© - Kentia
French edition
Incertain Sens - Artist's books and editions
Between an artist's book, an essay and a catalogue, this publication explores the notion of “installation” in the appropriation strategy developed by the now fictional artist Ludovic Chemarin©, through the conceptual figure of the Kentia palm.
Mari Shaw - The Noble Art of Collecting #01 - Words, Books, and the Spaces They Inhabit
English edition
Sternberg Press - History, Criticism and Theory
First in Mari Shaw's series “The Noble Art of Collecting,” this publication is dedicated to book collecting. With examples of unexpected collectors and serendipitous outcomes, Shaw investigates the obscure desires that shape art collecting and the public goodwill that results from it.
 Ludovic Chemarin© - Ludovic Chemarin© - 1998-2005 / 2011-2014...
French edition
Art Book Magazine
In 2011, Damien Beguet and P. Nicolas Ledoux purchase the name of artist Ludovic Chemarin after he decided to end his career in 2005. Since then, they have been exploiting his name through exhibitions, conferences, and interviews. This monograph gives an overview of the project, gathering exhaustive documentation and essays from critics, historians, and lawyers.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - Les majorats littéraires (« La propriété intellectuelle c\'est le vol ! ») - (et un choix de Dominique Sagot-Duvauroux de contributions d\'époque sur le droit d\'auteur)
French edition
Les presses du réel – Philosophy / politics – L'écart absolu (Absolute Gap) – Fundamental
Proudhon's book against rights of ownership for authors, and collection of the most significant contributions toward the original debate over literary property..
Didier Semin - Le Peintre et son modèle déposé
French edition
MAMCO - Historical essays & contemporary archives
An essay on conceptual art.

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