
Hippocampe brings together three complementary ventures: a biannual journal (arts, ideas, literature), a critical review of cultural news, and a literary publishing house.
34 titles
Marie-Christine Vernay - Danse la vie, danse la ville - Histoires de Guy Darmet
French edition
A history of dance in Lyon and in France over the last 40 years through the story of the various lives of Guy Darmet, director for 30 years of the Maison de la Danse and initiator of the first International Dance Biennale.
Hervé Bauer - Manière noire
French edition
20.00 10.00 €
Each of the stories that make up this collection of narratives has as its starting point a phrase that must be taken literally, in its literal sense. The writing then develops its poetic and imaginary potentialities.
Maxime Duveau - Renewal - Récit de Didier Balducci
bilingual edition (English / French)
12.00 6.00 €
A series of drawings that retrace a trip to California, where the multiplied and labyrinthine architecture invites the visitor to wander between reality and fiction.
Lilian Auzas - Nina Hagen interprète Bertolt Brecht
French edition
A free reflection on the influence of Bertolt Brecht in the work of Nina Hagen, this hybrid text approaches two great popular figures of German culture through an unusual prism, through the margins, and paints a portrait of Nina Hagen as we have never seen her before.
Christian Rosset - Le Dissident secret - Un portrait de Claude Ollier
French edition
16.00 8.00 €
A portrait of Claude Ollier (1922-2014), writer of the Nouveau Roman, where memories, reflections, hypotheses and descriptions are intertwined, with a notebook of photographs composed by Camille Rosset.
Maria Kakogianni - Ivre décor
French edition
Six short stories by Maria Kakogianni, between literary fiction and philosophy.
Jean-Guy Coulange - Route Finistère Sud
French edition
19.00 9.50 €
Zsuzsanna Gahse - Cubes danubiens
French edition
À l\'air libre dans la nuit fraîche et pensive
French edition
17.00 8.50 €
Alain Jugnon - La Pensée à fleur du désastre (Beck, Curnier, Surya)
French edition
15.00 7.50 €
An essay on Philippe Beck, Jean-Paul Curnier and Michel Surya.
Thomas Baumgartner - L\'Hypothèse du baobab - Notes sur la radio
French edition
Notes on the radio.
Alexandre Mare - Constellations - Textes, matières, images
French edition
20.00 10.00 €
An anthology of critical texts and essays on art and literature written and published by Alexandre Mare during the last ten years: Proust, Man Ray, Oppenheim and Crevel; Bataille, Rivière, Oates and Guyotat; Mallet-Stevens and Breuer; Schulz and von Stroheim; Mansour, Hugnet, Caillois and Duprat; Pynchon, Exley, Robbins, Huncke and Kerouac&hellip
Stéphane Marte - L\'Après-midi des après-midi
French edition
13.00 6.50 €
A novel.
Baptiste Gaillard - Bonsaï
French edition
A collection of experimental poetry.
Charles Le Hyaric - Enlacer l\'éternité
French edition
12.00 6.00 €
This publication is the first in a series of books dedicated to the exhibitions at the Fondation Salomon in Annecy, France. It examines the work of French artist Charles Le Hyaric with an essay by art historian and critic Ann Hindry.
Perrine Le Querrec - Bacon le cannibale
French edition
currently out of stock
A poetic portrait of Francis Bacon, inspired by the artist's own archives.
Lilian Auzas - Anita
French edition
Fictionalized biography of Anita Berber, the sulphurous expressionist icon, dancer, actress, and muse.
Alain Garlan - L\'Attrait des leurres
French edition
17.00 8.50 €
This first novel tells the story of performing art producers who travel around the world looking for new artists. The protagonists will be confronted with the realities of globalization, its promises, its violence and its lures. An enlightening reflection on the role and limits of creation in the transformation of the world.
French edition
13.00 6.50 €
Alain Freudiger on Max Frisch, Camille Paulhan on Jérémie Bennequin, Estefanía Peñafiel Loaiza et Marianne Mispelaëre, Warren Lambert, Erik Bullot on Michael Snow, Sylvie Lagnier on Jean-Marie Pontévia, Jacques Sicard, Denise Le Dantec, Julio Ramon Ribeyro, Stéphane Marte, Baptiste Gaillard, Fabien Clouette & Quentin Leclerc ; dossier “The Skin” (Caroline Parietti, Heidi Bucher, Kazumichi Hashimoto, Jacques Roman, Christine Bergé, David Collin), Jean-Guy Coulange, Philippe Baudouin...
Jean-Guy Coulange - La Traversée (du paysage) – Sonore, écriture, photographie
French edition
This publication is a literary narrative depicting radio projects on the landscape of French rivers Somme and Rance. It includes notes documenting the making of the two radio plays, as well as a series of 23 photographs.
Christian Rosset - Les voiles de Sainte-Marthe - Micro-récits et notes d\'Atelier
French edition
18.00 9.00 €
Autobiographical fiction telling forty years of radio creation.
David Collin - Vers les confins - Voyages, dérives, épiphanies
French edition
A collection of texts gathering stories of journeys across Asia and literary reflections on travel.
Gilbert Lascault - Saveurs imprévues et secrètes - Une anthologie de textes sur l\'art
French edition
Collection of texts (1968-1994) by French art critic Gilbert Lascault.
Bruno Carbonnet - Cloaque
French edition
13.00 6.50 €
This narrative intertwines text and image to reflect on the sinking of the Sewol ferry in April 2014 on the Korean peninsula. At the heart of this tragic story lies the controversial personality of Yoo Byung-eun, an evangelical pastor, guru, patron and photographer.
Baptiste Gaillard - Un domaine des corpuscules
French edition
A collection of poems describing a post-human Earth. 2018 Swiss Literature Award winner.
Alain Garlan - Rois de la forêt - Mythologie et rites d\'une tribu de l\'underground des années 1980
French edition
13.50 6.75 €
In the intimacy of France's 1980s underground: the life and time of art collective Frigo.
Jean-Claude Hauc - Miscellanées casanoviennes
French edition
15.00 7.50 €
A literary portrait of Giacomo Casanova.
French edition
13.00 6.50 €
Anne Maurel - Avec ce qu\'il resterait à dire - Sur une figurine d\'Alberto Giacometti
French edition
This narrative looks back at the creation of a sculpture by Alberto Giacometti inspired by artist and model Isabel Nicholas. Featuring four photographs by Eli Lotar.
Jean-Guy Coulange - Je descends la rue de Siam - Carnets sonores et photographiques
French edition
16.00 8.00 €
These notebooks gather texts and photographs documenting the creation process at the heart of Jean-Guy Coulange's radiophonic practice.
French edition
(last copies available!)
13.00 6.50 €

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