Nicolas Evreïnoff

Nikolai Evreinov (1879-1953), theater theorist, director, and playwright, gained renown with his theories on the "natural" theatricality of human beings, "theater as such," and "theater for itself." His plays—monodramas and pieces that staged his idea of theater therapy—were rather aesthetically conventional. Evreinov already became involved in replications and reenactments at the Starinnyi Theater (Antiquarian Theater), which he co-founded and where he reconstructed and reenacted historical performances. Even after emigrating to Paris in 1924, he monitored the theatricalization of the Soviet Union, especially with the reenactment as theater of the show trials The Steps of Nemesis (Shagi nemezidy). Evreinov was the head director for The Storming of the Winter Palace, "commandeered" for this purpose from the military.
Nicolas Evreïnoff - The Steps of Nemesis - A Dramatic Chronicle in Six Scenes from Party Life in the USSR (1936–1938)
English edition
Diaphanes - Think Art
The theatricalization of the Soviet Union through the reenactment as theater of the Stalinist show trials by the playwright Nikolai Evreinov (1879-1953).
topicsNicolas Evreïnoff: also present in

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