les presses du réel

Thinking WithJean-Luc Nancy

table of contents
Preface from the Editors

Marita Tatari
"I am only asking that philosophy looks over its shoulder a little." Nancy's Standpoint

Hélène Nancy
23 août 2022


Aukje van Rooden
Left in the Dark. Sharing Death with Jean-Luc Nancy

Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback
Le cœur [greffé] de la pensée

Marcus Coelen
Liebe Marita Tatari

Helen Petrovsky
A Life with No Analogon (Remembering Jean-Luc Nancy)


Dieter Mersch
Cum grano singularis. Jean-Luc Nancys ›negative‹ koinonia

Jacob Rogozinski
Die unmögliche Möglichkeit der Gemeinschaft

Gert-Jan van der Heiden
Thinking Hermeneutics with Nancy

Juan Manuel Garrido and Alexander García Düttmann
Anyone, Someone, No One

Apostolos Lampropoulos
From Debt-in-intimacy to Critical Intimacy


Philipp Stoellger
Deconstruction of Christianity as a Self-Transgression of Theology

Valentin Husson
Se relever – avec Jean-Luc Nancy

Artemy Magun
A Conspiracy of Hymn


Jean-Luc Nancy, entretien avec Marita Tatari
De l'esprit d'un changement d'époque

Erich Hörl
The Break In and With History: Nancy's Thinking of History in Light of the Disruptive Condition

Aïcha Liviana Messina
Crystal Skin


Susanna Lindberg
Splendid Splintered Being

Boyan Manchev
La philosophie éclatante or Jean-Luc Nancy and the Struggle for the World

Michael Marder
A Non-Renewable Thinking: Meditations for Jean-Luc Nancy


Sandrine Israel-Jost
How Does Nancy Pursue the Thought of the Milieu by Other Means?

Ian James
Thinking Heteropoiesis with Nancy and after History

Mimesis, Methexis, Ethos

Georgios Tsagdis
Drawing Life: Freedom and Form in Jean-Luc Nancy

Nidesh Lawtoo
Shared Voices: Lacoue-Nancy's Mimetic Methexis

Jérôme Lèbre
L'espace toujours laissé libre

Art and Sense

Ginette Michaud
Demande de Jean-Luc Nancy, ou Comment rephraser la « philolittérature »

Peter Szendy

Rodolphe Burger
Jean-Luc's Voice

Jean-Christophe Bailly
Die fortwährende Überraschung des Sinns

Martta Heikkilä
Jean-Luc Nancy: Life

The Authors
topicsJean-Luc Nancy: other titles

Jean-Luc Nancy: also present in

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